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by Latha
Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:10 am
Forum: Et Cetera
Topic: Deeply in love with a fictional character, to the point of it causing other mental health issues
Replies: 15
Views: 27977

Re: Deeply in love with a fictional character, to the point of it causing other mental health issues

This is off-topic Oof, I'm sorry. I genuinely don't think I can love or desire a real person the way I love Hornet. She feels different to me Oh, how is she different? Is it that you know her in a way that might be difficult to achieve with real people? Does a relationship with her seem safer? Is i...
by Latha
Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:42 am
Forum: Relationships
Topic: Brought up an open relationship to my gf, but I’m not sure
Replies: 17
Views: 36495

Re: Brought up an open relationship to my gf, but I’m not sure

Well, that would make it hard, wouldn't it... I wish I could offer you a better solution.

I think your girlfriend is right- you don't have to be 100 percent sure of anything, you can just talk and address things as they come up.
by Latha
Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:57 am
Forum: Bodies
Topic: possible hormonal problems?
Replies: 2
Views: 18565

Re: possible hormonal problems?

Hi Alriune, I think that you've made a lot of observations that could really help a doctor figure out what is happening with you. I understand how you're confused about where to start finding a doctor- navigating the medical system can be very difficult. I think that you're on the right track in thi...
by Latha
Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:35 am
Forum: Et Cetera
Topic: Deeply in love with a fictional character, to the point of it causing other mental health issues
Replies: 15
Views: 27977

Re: Deeply in love with a fictional character, to the point of it causing other mental health issues

Hi Laayiv, Ah, it is good that you don't feel shame at least. You know, it can be heartbreaking when you love someone and they don't return your feelings- I think that is true whether the object of your desire is fictional or real. In that case, it is important to remember that this one person isn't...
by Latha
Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:01 am
Forum: Sex & Sexuality
Topic: Masterbation preference changes?
Replies: 13
Views: 20364

Re: Masterbation preference changes?

Hi there, Nadia91 To my knowledge, muscle contractions are not unique to vaginal orgasms- it may be that the contractions didn't happen this time, or that they were not very obvious. Is that normal? That something works a few times and then doesn't work anymore? Yes, this is normal, the same techniq...
by Latha
Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:58 am
Forum: Relationships
Topic: Brought up an open relationship to my gf, but I’m not sure
Replies: 17
Views: 36495

Re: Brought up an open relationship to my gf, but I’m not sure

Hi Jay27, I understand your concerns about not having enough time/energy to maintain another relationship- if I were in your situation, I would think about the same things. Still, maybe these worries about how you will make this work are a bit hypothetical. You've established that both you and your ...
by Latha
Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:57 am
Forum: Abuse & Assault
Topic: is it possible to have absolutely zero memory of abuse?
Replies: 8
Views: 28755

Re: is it possible to have absolutely zero memory of abuse?

Hi Alriune Honestly, what you've said makes a lot of sense- I think you have a pretty coherent understanding of what might be influencing the anxious behavior you described in your first post. Given this, is there anything we could discuss that might help you? Therapy isn't necessarily for everyone,...
by Latha
Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:34 am
Forum: Sex & Sexuality
Topic: No orgasm on SSRI and low sex drive in general
Replies: 5
Views: 29876

Re: No orgasm on SSRI and low sex drive in general

Hi there, Potatosoup! I'm responding because I'm on shift, I hope you don't mind. Ahh, I see- so when your mental health is better, you do feel good around your partner. You're right, learning to communicate and feel good around people can be a process. Progress isn't always linear, so be patient an...
by Latha
Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:27 am
Forum: Et Cetera
Topic: Deeply in love with a fictional character, to the point of it causing other mental health issues
Replies: 15
Views: 27977

Re: Deeply in love with a fictional character, to the point of it causing other mental health issues

Hi there, Laayiv Ah, it's good to know that you can ask for your sessions to be private again without difficulty. Since that has been addressed, let's take this back to your question. If you don't mind, would you talk a bit more about how your love for this character is causing your mental health di...
by Latha
Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:07 am
Forum: Relationships
Topic: Brought up an open relationship to my gf, but I’m not sure
Replies: 17
Views: 36495

Re: Brought up an open relationship to my gf, but I’m not sure

Hi there, Jay27 It’s embarrassing but I’ve felt turned on from cuddling or even holding hands with someone I really like. Well, that's just how you are then- just to reassure you, there isn't anything intrinsically bad about feeling that way. I don’t want to experience that when I know that actually...
by Latha
Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:38 am
Forum: Ask Us!
Topic: Visualizing genitals
Replies: 1
Views: 3656

Re: Visualizing genitals

Hi there, Starsandsloths If it isn't keeping you from taking care of your health, I don't see how it could be unhealthy. Could discomfort with genitals be due to trauma? Yes, possibly- it can also be caused by picking up on sex-negative messages in our environment. It can take time and energy to unl...
by Latha
Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:33 am
Forum: Sex & Sexuality
Topic: Size and depth issues with vaginal penetration
Replies: 3
Views: 15603

Re: Size and depth issues with vaginal penetration

Hi there, Dansktop- welcome to the boards! You've already been very thorough and you're doing a lot of what we'd recommend. A doctor could help diagnose any physical problems with more certainty, but I completely understand why you don't want to see one. (Long-term, I would still recommend trying to...
by Latha
Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:51 am
Forum: Sexual Health
Topic: UTI from oral?
Replies: 2
Views: 12236

Re: UTI from oral?

Hi there, Bikinksterboy If your partner notices any symptoms, she can see a doctor- otherwise, she should be fine. I understand how you can just get caught up in the flow of things, and sometimes our bodies don't act the way we expect them to. Don't be too upset with yourself- apologize, and if some...
by Latha
Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:43 am
Forum: Got Questions? Get Answers.
Topic: How to navigate sexual pleasure, as a dysphoric transgender person?
Replies: 11
Views: 16345

Re: How to navigate sexual pleasure, as a dysphoric transgender person?

Hi there, TristanJPercy Don't worry, it wasn't long-winded. I think that is what is wonderful about gender- that you can make active choices in building it for yourself. You're right, you don't have to align yourself with how masculine people are expected to behave. My bad for assuming you necessari...
by Latha
Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:39 am
Forum: Relationships
Topic: can't get over being taken advantage of in a past relationship
Replies: 10
Views: 14788

Re: can't get over being taken advantage of in a past relationship

Hi Jupitersrings, I understand what you mean when you say it is easier said than done. Giving yourself grace and compassion is important, but very difficult. But be patient with yourself, and keep trying- eventually, your efforts will show results. Do you think what happened implies something negati...
by Latha
Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:33 am
Forum: Et Cetera
Topic: Do I have to clean the washing machine if it got period blood on the washing machine?
Replies: 1
Views: 7187

Re: Do I have to clean the washing machine if it got period blood on the washing machine?

Hi Rachel 1! It is good that you wiped it off- you can still clean the washing machine for sanitization purposes. Regarding menstrual blood: you're right that there is stigma against blood from periods, but there shouldn't be any significant harm from ingesting small amounts of it, barring concerns ...
by Latha
Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:24 am
Forum: Supporting Each Other
Topic: I don’t want to have a relationship with my father anymore
Replies: 4
Views: 10275

Re: I don’t want to have a relationship with my father anymore

Hi, Hi (typing that is still amusing) Ah, I see- I don't think this changes the fact that you're justified in not wanting a relationship with your father. What do you think? I don’t know why I blamed myself for that stuff tbh. I think it’s just cause I have really low self esteem and am always searc...
by Latha
Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:21 am
Forum: Ask Us!
Topic: Changed timing of my pill
Replies: 7
Views: 6408

Re: Changed timing of my pill

Hi Juliaho90! It isn't that unusual for withdrawal bleeds to be late, to be very light, or to not come at all, because one of the ways the pill works is by thinning out your endometrium. And yes, stress could be affecting your cycle. If you're concerned about the possibility of pregnancy, it would b...
by Latha
Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:47 am
Forum: Gender
Topic: Grieving an identity
Replies: 11
Views: 27366

Re: Grieving an identity

Hi Raffles, It is true, you can always come back to this when it feels right- you have time. And you're always welcome here. I want to mention that queer spaces are not only for people who are proud 100 percent of the time. Very few of us can manage that in the world we live in. Queer spaces and que...
by Latha
Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:25 am
Forum: Ask Us!
Topic: Sex doesn’t feel all that great with my boyfriend
Replies: 3
Views: 10240

Re: Sex doesn’t feel all that great with my boyfriend

Hi there, I’m going to try exploring different things with my boyfriend tomorrow and have a honest conversation about what feels good and what doesn’t. That sounds like a great idea! sometimes I space off into my thoughts and just want him to finish already but at the same time I want to satisfy him...
by Latha
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:38 am
Forum: Ask Us!
Topic: i can’t touch myself and nothing feels good
Replies: 17
Views: 29425

Re: i can’t touch myself and nothing feels good

Hi Florence23, Of course, you're right- you do have a vagina, it is just a little difficult for you to find it right now. Let's step back a bit. Going back to that article, were you able to find your clitoris? P.S. It isn't strange at all for you to visit a gynecologist at your age if that is a conc...
by Latha
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:06 am
Forum: Sex & Sexuality
Topic: I can't feel pleasure when masturbating
Replies: 5
Views: 18068

Re: I can't feel pleasure when masturbating

Hey Solartopia, I'm sorry you're struggling with that, I know how awful it can be to feel that way. I think incorporating more self-care/love practices into your life is a good idea. It may not feel like much immediately, but over time, I believe it will help. This general lack of pleasure that you'...
by Latha
Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:53 am
Forum: Relationships
Topic: Need advice about sex
Replies: 1
Views: 8798

Re: Need advice about sex

Hi SkaMusic08, welcome to the boards! Don't worry, this is the right place to ask these questions, they are good questions, and you're not being paranoid. I think both of you are already doing the right thing by discussing your interest in having sex. Keep doing that, and make talking openly about s...
by Latha
Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:34 am
Forum: Ask Us!
Topic: Sex life ruined because I don't know my sexuality
Replies: 10
Views: 20017

Re: Sex life ruined because I don't know my sexuality

Hi Wendy_! I'm jumping in because I'm on shift- I hope you don't mind. You know, not all relationships have to involve sex, or involve it very frequently. None of this will necessarily prevent you from staying together, or even getting married. Your girlfriend and you can build the kind of relations...
by Latha
Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:48 am
Forum: Relationships
Topic: can't get over being taken advantage of in a past relationship
Replies: 10
Views: 14788

Re: can't get over being taken advantage of in a past relationship

Hi there, Jupitersrings I'm glad you felt you could talk about this difficult subject here. Whether or not this was grooming, it is clear to me that this relationship wasn't good for you- Z did not treat you well at all. I want to say that it is very difficult to make good choices for ourselves in t...