suddenly penetration is painful?! :(

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suddenly penetration is painful?! :(

Unread post by lycheefan »

hey its been so long since i posted here hahaha but a few days ago i was using my dildo as per usual and it hurt to insert for some reason :( TMI it is a little big girth wise but i've never had any issues with it before... like despite putting it in maybe 1 or 2 inches it hurts still. this pain hasn't gone away and while not long lasting afterwards (like 5 or 10 mins) it still kinda sucks. just wanted your guys thoughts on this D:
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Re: suddenly penetration is painful?! :(

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there, lycheefan.

So, there's no static, or set, way that the vaginal opening, vaginal canal, or the muscles around it are. They chance in a bunch of ways, pretty much all the time, depending on a whole host of factors, things like where a person is at in their fertility/menstrual cycle (or place in life with the whole thing, eg, pre- or post-menopause), how relaxed or stressed you are, how hydrated, if you have any kind of whole-systems illness or not, even what time of day it is. The experience you had is also going to vary depending on when you added lubricant, and how much, and even the temperature of your toy.

Too, when introducing something to the opening of the vagina hurts, the best answer is never going to be to go ahead and keep doing that and push whatever it is further inside, despite the pain. Pain is our bodies way of telling us to stop or pause or change things up, not to keep going. Since you were in pain and then kept doing what hurt, it's not surprising to me you are having some lingering pain.
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