vibrator use and frequency

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vibrator use and frequency

Unread post by latte »

Hello! I had a question about vibrators and clitorises become desensitized to them. I recently bought a vibrator to use with my partner and it has been a lot of fun! I am studying abroad this semester though, so have been using it a bit more often on my own since my partner is back at home. I use it about once every two to three days, and it on average takes me about fifteen minutes to finish (though I don't rush anything; i just enjoy the pleasure). I have heard that excess use of a vibrator can somewhat change or manipulate the nerves in your clit, making you desensitized to pleasure a little bit and making it harder to orgasm. I am a bit worried about that - obviously do not want to loose any feeling - and I am not sure if it is a myth or not. Is there anything along those lines I should know when using a vibrator? Should I change my frequency of usage at all? Thank you for answering this! :?:
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Re: vibrator use and frequency

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi there,

This is a valid question because as you said there are a lot of people who think this, but it is in fact a myth. There's no evidence that vibrators numb or desensitize people's genitals in any way.

We have a longer post about it here: Do vibrators cause a loss of sensitivity?
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