Lost sensation while masturbating

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Lost sensation while masturbating

Unread post by GarfieldIsCool »

Hii I know this is like a strange topic but I need help. Basically, I've almost completely lost any feeling of pleasure from masturbation. I used to find it really like pleasurable and enjoyable, but recently (like within the last 3 months), nothing seems to work anymore. I can like orgasm, but it takes an hour to do it and it is just pretty much rubbing until something happens.
I don't get any pleasure from vaginal penetration, so I pretty much never try that, especially as its actually quite painful for me. Like I usually try to like rub my clit and that always used to work but now not anymore. I've tried different stuff like touching 'errogenous' (bad spelling I know) zones on my body while doing it, trying to directly touch the clit under the hood, trying to grind up against my hand and a range of other things like using water in the shower and different paces and amounts of fingers, but nothing is actually pleasurable anymore.
I enjoy masturbation somewhat, like I like orgasms and whatever. I don't think I need to go to a doctor, like I couldn't anyway as my mother has managed to retain control of all my medical stuff even though I'm 17 (in my area at 16 you technically can completely control ur own medical issues and appointments and stuff).
What do I do? I've read the article on Scarleteen about like masturbation and different methods but none of it was actually enjoyable.
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Re: Lost sensation while masturbating

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Garfield

This isn't a strange topic at all, don't worry! This forum is meant for these kinds of questions.

I'm sorry masturbation isn't feeling good for you right now - I know that can be a bummer. We can definitely discuss other strategies you could explore (like different toys, or fantasies) if your usual process isn't working for you right now. But if you've had a lot of trouble with everything you have tried so far, it might be a good time to take a break from masturbation. I agree that you may not need to see a doctor just yet- a break may give your body a helpful reset. In the meantime, you could focus on other ways to connect to your body and experience physical pleasure.

What do you think? Also, if you would like, we can talk about options for getting control of your medical care.
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Re: Lost sensation while masturbating

Unread post by GarfieldIsCool »

Hi Latha, thanks for your response.
I'm not really able to get ahold of toys, and most fantasies or similar just don't seem appealing for me TBH. I've kind of been on a break for the past few months (in that it doesn't feel good and I've pretty much just stopped), but I kind of miss it. I don't know how appealing the suggestion of just a continued break seems to me, but I do appreciate the idea.
It would be basically impossible for me to get control of my medical care, I think I may just have to wait until I go away for Uni, especially as I'm planning to move to a whole other continent for uni so it should just let me get my mother out of my business.
Sam W
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Re: Lost sensation while masturbating

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi GarfieldIsCool,

You know, it's common for people to have times where masturbation (or partnered) sex just isn't as pleasurable as it has been in the past. Things like pleasure and sexual response aren't siloed off; they're influenced by all the other stuff going on in our lives and bodies. For instance, if you've been going through a stressful time lately, that might be contributing to that lack of pleasure. The same goes for if you'd been sick, or experiencing a major life change, feeling weird about your body or sexuality, etc. So, taking a break may help in that it offers time for whatever is happening to pass.

Too, I do want to give you this article if you do decide you want to explore fantasies a bit more, and more on your own terms: How to Approach Sexual Fantasy and Desire on Your Own Terms.

I'm glad to hear your plan is to go to school in another country; not only so you'll then be more in charge of your own care, but also because that will hopefully provide much needed breathing room and distance from your family.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: Lost sensation while masturbating

Unread post by GarfieldIsCool »

Hi Sam,
Thank you for the link to the article. I guess the break will be continuing then :)
Sorry for late reply
- Garfield
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