Inability to make myself finish, or finish at all clitorally

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Inability to make myself finish, or finish at all clitorally

Unread post by soontobemumma »

Hi! I have always found masturbation and sex to be incredibly enjoyable, however, it took until my third sexual partner to ever experience an orgasm. This was done through fingering and was internal. I’ve never been able to replicate this on myself, not with my hands and not with toys. When stimulated clitorally, I find that just before I hit orgasm, instead of ‘pushing out’ in a way, and it feeling like a release, my body automatically tenses because of pain. Clitoral stimulation (either direct or not, or with a toy or not) becomes horribly intense and painful, and it’s incredibly frustrating because I really do enjoy orgasms! 😂

Anyone have any tips or recommendations on how to stop it being painful?
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Re: Inability to make myself finish, or finish at all clitorally

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Soontobemumma, welcome to Scarleteen!

I'm sorry that you're experiencing pain, it does sound very frustrating! To start, I want to clarify two things: Am I correct in understanding that there is no build up to the clitoral pain — you don't experience any pain or discomfort until just before you orgasm? Also, how long does this pain last?

I do want to suggest meeting with a gynaecologist if possible- a doctor could actually examine you for any injuries or infections, and check for conditions that cause things like nerve pain. They may also prescribe pain relief or physical therapy.
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