SOS : weird ass fetish!!!

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SOS : weird ass fetish!!!

Unread post by cy »

hi. hello. raising my hand, for i have a question.

how the fuck did i end up with a fetish for ovulation?

i didn't really realize it until recently when i was talking with my friends and they told me what it meant. im genuinely deadass attracted to period blood. in almost every sense of the word, down to the SMELL.

ive never viewed periods/ovulation as a sexual experience until now – cramps and irritability and hormonal bitching led me down that path, be blessed. but this is so sudden and i dont know how I didn't notice it once I started having sex.

how would a fetish like that even happen? Im not super disturbed by the fact that it's a fetish of mine, but I'm still mildly unsettled and don't really want to tell my FWB about it since she's also a girl.
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Re: SOS : weird ass fetish!!!

Unread post by Latha »

Hello Cy!

You might be able to look into your mind or your past and find a reason that explains why you are attracted to periods, but that doesn't always happen. Often, there just isn't an obvious or clear explanation for this sort of thing. There is nothing wrong with your interest, so I'm glad you're not feeling disturbed.

By any chance, did you mean 'menstruation' instead of 'ovulation'? Menstruation is another word for a period, while ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovaries - this tends to happen in the middle of a menstrual cycle, and isn't usually accompanied by period blood.

You don't have to tell anyone about this if you don't want to, including your FWB. That said, are you concerned that she will think less of you if you tell her?
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Re: SOS : weird ass fetish!!!

Unread post by cy »

hi latha... yes i did mean menstruation :")

and yeah i guess im worried about my fwb finding me weird for it. as far as i know she's icked by her own period so im a little guilty, but it's not as bad as some of the other things my friends are into so (shrug)
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Re: SOS : weird ass fetish!!!

Unread post by HannahP »

Hi Cy!

I think that one of the coolest things about human sexuality is how incredibly varied it is. There's a line from one of my favorite Scarleteen articles
that this reminds me of: "Sex and sexuality is supposed to be about personal expression: it's a way of exploring and expressing who we and others are, what unique alchemy we make and relationship we have with a partner or partners, and it's a perpetually unanswered question because every time we ask it in each experience, we're never exactly the same person twice, and our sexuality is ever-evolving, just like all of who we are. If it was a place best suited to all of us being exactly the same, to never changing or doing anything differently, I assure you that we all would have gotten really bored with it a long time ago."

Kinks and fetishes are one of the things that make each of us sexually unique. And one thing I think is especially cool about them is that they can be a way to see the beauty and "specialness" of things that are not traditionally considered "sexy." There's something really awesome and powerful about that! Maybe it would help you feel more comfortable with your attraction to periods if you think about it as seeing the beauty in something that doesn't get enough love?

Now, I know how intimidating and vulnerable it can be to share something so personal with a sexual partner. One thing about kinks is that they can feel so powerful to the person who has them that it can be hard to be casual about it. That being said, lots of people, even people who aren't specifically attracted to menstruation, enjoy engaging in period sex — it wouldn't be weird or give away your fetish for you to ask your FWB if she'd be open to having period sex. And even if she's not open to it, there's nothing wrong with you for liking something that she doesn't.

If this all feels too personal to even involve another person in yet, you can also explore kinks and fetishes privately. Like the quote I referenced above says, sex (especially masturbation) is part of personal expression. Maybe there are ways that you can incorporate this interest into your own private life, whether that's through masturbation, through fantasy, or even through art or other forms of self-expression. What do you think?
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