What’s your personal definition of a romantic relationship?

Questions and discussions about relationships: girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, partners, friends, family or other intimate relationships in your lives.
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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What’s your personal definition of a romantic relationship?

Unread post by AliahMaharaj »

The representations of relationships in media may lead us to think that platonic friendships and romantic partnerships are the only types of relationships we can have (and that those two types should be completely different). In reality, though, relationships can be much more wonderfully complex than that, and not nearly as easy to define sometimes.

What does the term “romantic relationship” mean to you personally, and what feelings, mindsets and/or actions would lead to you thinking of a relationship you’re in as a romantic relationship?
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: What’s your personal definition of a romantic relationship?

Unread post by aarija »

this is something I have been struggling with for a while, especially as I find myself in more queer friendships where the lines between platonic, sexual and romantic tend to shift and blur. Relationships are so fluid, even under these umbrella terms and I find myself feeling much stronger feelings for the friends in my life than for anyone I've pursued a romantic relationship with. Romance sometimes feels like added weight or responsibility to a relationship in a way that is hard to describe - but that is also coming from someone slowly discovering their aromantic side LOL.

I've heard romance being defined by the presence of passion, but I have never really found that relatable either. Honestly... I have no idea! I think my dating right now is defined a lot more by sexual attraction and allure because I have found platonic relationships that provide the safety, trust and support a lot of people look for in romantic partners.

so TBD on the romance aspect of it all
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