Why do I get upset over things that aren't a big deal?

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Rachel 1
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Why do I get upset over things that aren't a big deal?

Unread post by Rachel 1 »

I just keep dwelling on things so it makes me talk about for a long time is it because of my autism of why I get upset over things that aren't a big deal? I think it bothered at the fact that people understood where periods go and it toke me so long to understand where periods go in a sentence. people having sex shouldn't be a big deal if its done in private so why does people having sex bug me at times? Having Trouble with learning generally is apart of autism that can be why it toke me so long to understand where periods go. I can have trouble learning with other subjects as well another example is it toke me a long time to understand how to even create a account on here.
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Re: Why do I get upset over things that aren't a big deal?

Unread post by Heather »

Morning, Rachel.

My experience is that this is the case for a lot of people, but for sure, some kinds of neurodivergence can make it happen more often, be harder to let go of when it does happen, or both.

Personally, I wouldn't get hung up on the validity of any of your kinds of upset. We feel what we feel! Instead, what I'd focus on is what you can do when this does happen to just let yourself feel those feelings and then let them go, so that when you do get upset over things, it's not something that is a big deal for *you* in terms of getting in the way of your life and how you feel overall.

Do you have ways to manage these feelings when they come up that are effective for you?
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