What CAN'T Scarleteen's direct services help you with?

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Sam W
scarleteen staff/volunteer
Posts: 10293
Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:06 am
Age: 33
Awesomeness Quotient: I raise carnivorous plants
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Location: Coast

What CAN'T Scarleteen's direct services help you with?

Unread post by Sam W »

(And where can you get help?)

• Medical emergencies or a medical evaluation, treatment or advice, such as a suspected or ongoing infection, chronic pain condition or a sexuality issue, concern or problem that has come up related to or deeply impacted by a health condition where only someone very educated in your condition can consult.

For help with those, see: An in-person healthcare provider via a clinic, hospital, or private practice. If you need help finding or accessing one, you can check our find-a-doc database, call your insurance provider if you are insured, or contact your state, country, provincial or city public health or social services office. Scarleteen can often provide support and additional information once you get a diagnosis and treatment, but we cannot diagnose any user nor provide or advise about treatment for any medical conditions. For online information about overall health or specific conditions, we suggest sites like the Mayo Clinic, the NHS, or the World Health Organization.

• Ongoing mental health issues or conditions like anxiety disorders, clinical depression, bipolar disorder or persistent phobias.

For help with those, see: A mental or general healthcare provider. For extra online support or information, use a search engine to find sites specifically intended to address and serve users with specific or general mental health conditions or issues.

• Those trying to conceive (trying to intentionally become pregnant).

For help with that, see: An obstetrician/gynecologist, midwife, doula, other fertility/pregnancy educator, or a general healthcare provider.

• Ongoing, persistent relationship conflicts which have not been resolved over time and/or with help and coaching already provided by us via our direct services.

For help with those, see: Your partner. And yourself. Then your partner again. Then yourself. (AKA: communicate with each other and then make some decisions, y'all.) Or, you and your partner may need to consult with an in-person counselor, mediator or therapist.

• Abusive or dysfunctional family or partner situations where you are in immediate danger and need help.

For help with those, see or contact: A domestic or interpersonal violence shelter, and/or your local social services department or agency. You may also call the police, or go to any hospital emergency room and ask for help. You can use our find-a-doc database to look for local shelters and abuse/assault services. We can help with support around these issues once you are out of immediate danger, however, or help you find the appropriate help to get safe if you cannot find those shelters or services on your own.

• Legal advice. For legal help, see: A lawyer or contact your local legal aid service. L

• Help or counseling for those who are currently perpetrating or have perpetrated emotional, physical or sexual abuse or assault.

For help with that, see: A mental healthcare provider, such as a therapist or counselor. You can call local community centers or hospitals and ask about any available violence intervention programs which may be local to you. If you self-report any abuse or assault you have perpetrated to the police, you may also ask for counseling resources when you do.

• Uterine scrying or other psychic services (in other words, "When will my period come?" "Am I pregnant?" "What is my boyfriend/girlfriend thinking?"

For help with those, see: Waiting, in the case of waiting for a period. Or a home or clinical pregnancy test, to find out if you are pregnant. Or, your boyfriend or girlfriend, to find out what they are thinking, feeling or wanting, by asking them those things.

• Issues exclusive to, or those which predominantly impact, those over 30, such sex in long-term marriages, sex and aging, or post-menopausal issues.

For help with those, see: Your general or sexual healthcare provider, your local library or bookstore, or a sex-positive sex toy store. For extra online support, you can check out sex-positive stores which include educational content or assistance or adult sexuality education; or research centers like the CSPH or the Kinsey Institute. For those seeking help with sex and sexuality issues over 50, see the AARP's excellent sexuality section.

• Any issues you may have at other websites, such as bullying or harassment, issues of differing information, lack of service, etc.

For help with those, see: Those other websites. Look for a contact from at the website to contact an administrator, owner or moderator.

original post by Heather here: http://www.scarleteen.com/forum/ultimat ... 00364.html
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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