I don't feel pleasure when I touch myself

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I don't feel pleasure when I touch myself

Unread post by mtrbl »

Hi, I'm a [...] with little to none sexual experience- aka, I've never done anything remotely sexual that wasnt watching porn a few times.
I know I get horny, when my boyfriend and I sext I get this weird feeling in my tummy and I get wet, but when I try to rub myself it just feels as if I'm touching a normal part of my body and it's really frustrating, plus I'm a virgin and I'm not sure I can get my fingers inside me yet.
Can someone help me please?
Thank you!
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Sam W
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Re: I don't feel pleasure when I touch myself

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi mtrbl,

Depending on how many times you've tried masturbating and how many ways of masturbating you've experimented with, it may be that you just haven't found the approach that works for you. There's no one, specific way of masturbating that's guaranteed to work for everybody, because each body is different. Does that make sense? This article might help you find some ideas on different ways to try masturbating: How Do You Masturbate?

It may also help to know that being able to insert things like fingers into the vagina doesn't have anything to do with someone being a virgin. Part of the reason for that is that virginity is an idea, not a physical state (which is why people can have different definitions about what "counts" as virginity). But also plenty of people use their fingers (or sex toys) for masturbation, or simply do things like use tampons or menstrual cups, long before they have vaginal sex with a partner. So if you want to experiment with inserting your fingers, that's definitely something you can try.
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Re: I don't feel pleasure when I touch myself

Unread post by RandoVag »

Hii, same here!!! Except it's not with sexting, I fuddle around, I feel something but not quite what I think I should be feeling.
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Re: I don't feel pleasure when I touch myself

Unread post by Latha »

Hi RandoVag- welcome to the boards!

Since you have a similar problem, I think Sam's advice to Mtrbl might help you. Let us know if you have any questions.

Just for future reference, it is okay to reply to people on their posts in this section of the boards, but you can make a new post if you want help with something you're experiencing.
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