I've been having a lot of anxiety post breakup because I feel that in the future I don't want to have sex until marriage (because it made me so uncomfortable in my last relationship), but I'm very concerned that people with the same mindset will not want to be with me because I've done sexual things in the past (technically still a virgin but I've done oral). I feel so guilty and ashamed for what I did but I know that it was my decision and the worst part is that I enjoyed it at times. I feel like I've ruined myself and any future marriage I might have, and that the only people who'll want me are people who want to have pre-martial sex - which will just make me uncomfortable and guilty again because I don't

This all feels so silly because I know I can't predict the future and I feel like I don't even want to be in another relationship for a few years so I can learn to be independent again anyways. I just don't know what to do and this is causing so much anxiety and shame