I’m touch starved and idk what to do

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Users often report that they have no in-person peers they can talk to or seek support from: we want this to be a space for online peer support and somewhere everyone can get some practice asking for, getting and giving support so that doing it with people in your lives feels more doable.

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I’m touch starved and idk what to do

Unread post by Jay27 »

I’m in a relationship that’s been long distance for a month due to study abroad and my partner will be moving back in December. Ever since my gf and I started seeing each other last year, we’ve been really big on physical touch. We always held hands walking anywhere, gave long hugs, and cuddled almost every night.
I’m really struggling without the physical touch right now. I hug my friends sometimes but those hugs only last like 2 seconds and they’re not the same. I don’t think I’d be comfortable cuddling with my friends either. I don’t know what to do and I just wanted to vent. Maybe someone can relate?