Heart Palpitations and Anxiety

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Users often report that they have no in-person peers they can talk to or seek support from: we want this to be a space for online peer support and somewhere everyone can get some practice asking for, getting and giving support so that doing it with people in your lives feels more doable.

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Heart Palpitations and Anxiety

Unread post by alexfefun1 »

I've been experiencing heart palpitations for the past 3 months, which may be related to some recent family-related emotional challenges I've been facing. My relationship with my husband hasn't been going well, which has left me feeling very depressed lately. I've even started experiencing insomnia and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
I've taken some online RAADS-R tests https://raadsrtest.net, and the results weren't very encouraging. They suggested I might have some issues indicated by the RAADS-R. I would like to determine if I'm experiencing any mental health concerns.
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Re: Heart Palpitations and Anxiety

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Alexfefun1 — welcome to the boards!

If you've been feeling down, depressed, and stressed, I would say that those are inherently mental health concerns, even if they don't come with a diagnosis. And if mental health support would help you, that is a good enough reason to look for a therapist of some kind. We do sex education here, so we are not qualified to provide specific psychological or medical advice. However, we can absolutely talk about your feelings about the challenges with your family and husband, provide advice on relationships, and help you look for mental healthcare providers. Do any of these options sound good to you?

From what I can tell, the RAADS-R test is meant to provide an evaluation for autism. I can imagine how the possibility of being autistic might seem discouraging, especially if you've learnt this at a low point or if your picture of what it means to be autistic is defined by difficulty. However, autism isn't a bad thing, and having it would not mean that there is something wrong with you. A diagnosis like this can be a guide to help you address your needs, and a starting point to getting the resources and support that will make things easier.
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