Pregnancy Scare

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Anne Janne
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Pregnancy Scare

Unread post by Anne Janne »

Hi! I’m having pregnancy scare for months now. I do need your advice.

Last, October 25, my bf and I had dry humping. I was wearing my panties and he wasn’t wearing his underwear. No penetration and no ejaculation, yet there’s pre-cum. I was worried about being pregnant through precum. 2 days after I had my period - last for 3 days and heavy flow.

Even though I already had my period Im stressing for the whole month of November because it might be implantation bleeding. I had an oral sex on November and didn’t know during that day I’ll be having my period. Yet, to my surprise, my period is light on the first day, heavy on the second day and light on the fourth and third day. There’s still scare in me that this might be implantation bleeding and i maybe pregnant. Please can someone tell me if I’m pregnant or not in this case?

I know it sound stupid, but the anxiety in me can’t stop thinking about it.
Sam W
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Re: Pregnancy Scare

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Anne Janne,

So, what you did would be considered dry humping, so there's no risk of pregnancy from it in the first place. As long as there is at least one layer of clothing present, any sperm present are not going to be able to get through to the body in a way that would allow them to then go on a co-create a pregnancy.

Too, it may help to know that implantation bleeding only happens once, and neither time you had your period would make sense for it to happen, timing-wise. Two days isn't enough time, and over a month after the risk is too much time. You can read more about why that is here: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide

Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? If not, sometimes having that result staring you in the face can help quiet the anxiety around this.
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Anne Janne
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Re: Pregnancy Scare

Unread post by Anne Janne »

Hi Sam W!

Thank you for sharing your valuable time and information with me. It greatly helps me tone down my overthinking and anxiety. I’m quiet dealing this for over months now even though I know that the risk is not a chance to the point I get scared seeing a pregnant person and a child. It’s giving me anxiety attack and my mind is all over the places. Also, because of cryptic pregnancy people keep saying is making me anxious all the time.

But, I’ll surely heal and rest myself from all of this to ease my mind.
Last edited by Anne Janne on Tue Dec 05, 2023 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pregnancy Scare

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there, Anne.

Who are the people talking to you about this? Whoever they are, something you can do for yourself when you're in a scare like this is both limiting who you talk to about it, and asking those you DO talk to to keep their talk about it with you supportive, or else not talk to you at all. Anyone in your world whose talk is making you feel worse is someone to limit your your communication with right now, either by putting boundaries on how they communicate with you, or just not interacting with them with this at all.
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