Anxious - Pregnancy Scare?

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Anxious - Pregnancy Scare?

Unread post by mackie13 »

hello! so a few days ago i had an encounter with a guy where he definitely had pre-ejaculate on his hands when he fingered me. he went deep, i’m not on any birth control and i was ovulating. so obviously my brain went into adhd anxious mode and i scoured the internet to determine if this was a valid pregnancy scare.

many sources say no, including here. but many other sources (i.e planned parenthood and some other trusted sites) say yes there’s a chance. so i just want to clarify that this can’t get me pregnant. but i’m also curious - why do you think there is so much contradiction across sites?
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Re: Anxious - Pregnancy Scare?

Unread post by Andy »

Hi there mackie13 and welcome to the boards!

Seems like you already did some good research on this. You are by far not the only one confused with these slight discrepancies, Jacob from our team recently talked about the same thing with another user and I really like how they explained it:
I'll say that some of these sources are probably using language similar to scientific papers where the word "impossible" is hardly ever used. You could ask many full-time scientists a question like "What's the possibility of me being able to eat a whole house in five minutes?" and they would still say "Very unlikely" - even though you know, and I know, and they know that in our practical every day lives that that would be impossible. We work in the real world, and we want to be understood, so when something is impossible in so far as it affects your real life, we call it impossible. They use the language they use, we use the language we use.
Does that help clarify it? Do you have any other questions?
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Re: Anxious - Pregnancy Scare?

Unread post by mackie13 »

thanks so much, andy! that makes a lot of sense and is a very helpful way to look at it. i appreciate your response!
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