Late period and Fingering

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Late period and Fingering

Unread post by ilovepuppies »

Hi, so my boyfriend had fingered me some days ago and I was scared that if there was anything on his fingers since I had given him a bj before. But, he didn’t finish from the bj and he told me he had only grabbed the base of his genital to put it back in his pants and that his fingers were dry after and before going in me, which leads me to believe that i wasn’t at risk. I haven’t had sex since last month and we had used protection and i got my period 4 days early that cycle and even tested after to double check that I was okay. Now, my period is 2 days late and I’m scared to believe that is due to any reason regarding pregnancy even though the fingering situation was the only thing that happened this month.
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Re: Late period and Fingering

Unread post by Heather »

Hello again.

Before I say anything else, this is part of what I meant when in the last post, I brought up taking a break from sex -- ANY kind of sex that creates this anxiety and worry for you, and that leaves you feeling panicked after instead of feeling good. Pretty clearly, even when you have sex that isn't intercourse and use methods of contraception, you're still feeling freaked out. That says to me that for whatever reason, right now the things you're doing aren't good for your head, you know?

So, a period that is two days later than expected isn't actually a later period yet, because periods have about a five day average window of variation even for people with what we'd call very regular cycles.

I'm going to share the links with you here that I shared last time, because we don't engage with pregnancy scares in the way you're asking, but we DO have content that is made to help people with them, or anxiety about pregnancy, period -- in ways we know to be most helpful.

The Pregnancy Panic Companion
Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?
Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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