How do you buy condoms?

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How do you buy condoms?

Unread post by vhdzhisjkjd »

I'm sixteen and i've been experimenting with different methods of masturbation. I heard that it is best to cover sex toys or other objects i might use with a condom, but i have no idea where to buy one. Do i just walk into a store and get some? That feels really weird... But i can't order them online because i don't want my parents to know. So how do i do it? And do i really need them?
Thank you for your help :)
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Re: How do you buy condoms?

Unread post by Willa »

Hi vhdzhisjkjd,

It is generally the safest to use protective barriers on sex toys, especially on ones that are being inserted into the body and ones that are not easily boiled or sanitized. Condoms can be purchased at pharmacies and grocery stores, or alternatively you could also look into youth centers or sexual health clinics that often give away barriers for free. People of every age and every level of sexual experience can often feel a slight awkwardness when purchasing contraceptives, but it is a completely normal aspect of life and sexual health.

In terms of worrying your parents may find out, that is something to consider when factoring in your decision to explore activities that include condoms. Gauging your own comfortability and personal safety in the situation is important, especially when there is no 100% guarantee they will not find out.

This is one of our many resources on protective barriers, ... l_the_time, specifically with the section about barriers and sex toys may be helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
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