Maybe pregnant, absolutely losing it!

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Maybe pregnant, absolutely losing it!

Unread post by abruss11 »

Hello! So I’m just looking for some advice, I plan to call Dr on Monday, but I’m going absolutely mad.

So I’m 32, I’m on a combination birth control pill (Hailey 24 Fe), been on this pill for a few years, no complaints. I take my pill almost perfectly, never miss and if I’m late it’s with a half hour late or early. My bf and I have been together for a number of years, and have sex often, without protection obviously. As of recent I haven’t been feeling good and have been taking Zyrtec and ibuprofen and Tylenol (not together). To my knowledge these were okay with bc pills. I DO NOT WANT KIDS, so what’s currently happening is absolutely freaking me out. For the last almost week my nipples have been fairly sensitive, and tonight I noticed some light pinkish spotting. My period isn’t supposed to happen for like another 1.5 weeks. I’ve taken 2 tests both negative, but I assume it’s too soon regardless. I’m freaking out because I’ve been on this pill awhile now, and I am very good with taking it, and this has never happened before. I’m just looking for advice because I’m losing my mind…
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Re: Maybe pregnant, absolutely losing it!

Unread post by Latha »

Hello Abruss11, welcome to the boards!

I understand why you would feel stressed in this situation! I will try to offer some information that may help.

It is very unlikely that you are pregnant. Since you've been taking your birth control consistently, it must be about 99% effective. Spotting and breast tenderness can be associated with pregnancy, but they are also known side effects of being on the pill. These side effects are usually more common when you start new birth control, but they can appear later. And as you said, the medications you mentioned don't affect birth control.

However, unlikely isn't the same as impossible. That means there is a very, very small chance that the pill did not work this time. If you have your usual withdrawal bleed in 1.5 weeks, it will be a good sign that you are not pregnant, but you can take a test two weeks after the last time you had sex to be sure.

I know it is frightening, but if it turns out that you are pregnant, you have options. Abortion is legal in Ohio through 22 weeks, so you could seek an abortion in a clinic or have one at home with by ordering abortion pills online.
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Re: Maybe pregnant, absolutely losing it!

Unread post by abruss11 »

I appreciate the reply, thank you. This does make me feel slightly better, it just scares me because it doesn’t make sense as to why the side effects are currently happening now when I’ve been on the pill for a years now. I’m making myself a nervous wreck. I’m second-guessing myself on if I actually did take a pill, did I forget it one time even though I know I did. I’m also been extremely stressed about it and extremely stressed about my job. I’m not sure if that could have anything to do with it either.
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Re: Maybe pregnant, absolutely losing it!

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hey abruss11,

Your stress could definitely have something to do with it! Although birth control can help normalize periods, and it sounds like that's what it's been doing for you for some time now, stress absolutely affects your cycle. It can make it early or late, light or heavy, and just generally wreak havoc on your menstruation as well as your mental state. Although, as Latha said, we cannot confirm or deny definitively that you are or are not pregnant, it does sound like you are consistent with taking your pill and that this can be linked to your stress from your job and other life events.
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