Does oral sex get rid of sperm?

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Does oral sex get rid of sperm?

Unread post by martinie13 »

My bf and i had sex and he pulled out. He then wiped sperm off with a towel. 45 minutes later i performed oral sex on him and then he penetrated me afterwards. Do you think there was sperm on his penis from before and i will become pregnant?
Sam W
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Re: Does oral sex get rid of sperm?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Martinie13,

Oral sex is not an effective method of birth control, because even if all the sperm and semen were removed from the outside of the penis, there could still be plenty inside the penis that could potentially cause pregnancy. If ejaculation did not occur, then you can assume you had the protection level offered by withdrawal: Withdrawal . If you're not comfortable with that level of risk, and it's been five days or fewer since the incident, Plan B is your best option. Since you two have been having unprotected sex, are you up to date on your STI testing?

Since it sounds like you do not wish to be pregnant right now, can I ask why you two chose not to use condoms? Too, would you be interested in discussing some more effective birth control options you could use?
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Re: Does oral sex get rid of sperm?

Unread post by martinie13 »

We don't like using condoms and i dont like any other birth control methods in my body. My body is very sensative, but i think condoms would be the best thing for us to use. It will also releive me from stress of worrying.
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Re: Does oral sex get rid of sperm?

Unread post by martinie13 »

How long would sperm have lasted in his urethra after ejaculation?
Sam W
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Re: Does oral sex get rid of sperm?

Unread post by Sam W »

Can I ask what about condoms you two don't like so that we can figure out if there is a type of condom that would be a good fit for you? Too, if you're interested in discussing some other possible birth control methods that might work given how sensitive your body is, that's something we can do as well.

Since the presence of sperm in pre-ejaculate is still being studied, it's tricky to find an exact number of hours it would have lasted. What we do know is that sperm is more likely to be present if ejaculation occurred recently (and 45 minutes would count as recent) without the person urinating in the interim.
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