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Unread post by Dolly68 »

Hi, tonight when I tooky bc pill it felt like it went down the wrong pipe and I started coughing when I drank the water. Do you think it will be absorbed properly in my stomache? Should I take an extra one tonight? Also then I did a lot of coughing and spitting up mucus...
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, Dolly.

I know this is not the fist time you have some kind of anxiety about your pill, have you had the chance to read the article Sam once linked you before? If not, here it is. In case you did, a refresher never hurts!

http://www.scarleteen.com/article/etc/h ... aith_in_bc

…that said, if you didn't cough out the pill, you can be sure it is were it belongs. :)
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Dolly68 »

I did not couch up the pill but some mucus with white in it. I guess I'm just generally worried. U mean if the whole green pill doesn't come up then I'm covered? I did read the article but maybe I need to read it again
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Karyn »

That's right: if you don't cough up the whole pill, then there's no need to be concerned. On top of the article that Edith linked you to, have you ever read the patient information that comes with your pill, to see what affects it and what does not? That might be helpful in easing some of your worries.
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Dolly68 »

Ok thank you for easing my worries.. I read the pamphlet and it says the same things you guys told me. I feel a lot more informed and aware. I just have one question.. Not an anxiety one lol just a physical one. I'm sick with a very sore throat today and am having trouble swallowing almost anything. I tried taking my pill tonight and I couldn't swallow it so I spit it out. This happened twice. I threw out those two pills and was able to get the third one down. Is it bad if some of the coating from the other two pills dissolved in my mouth? Will it interfere with the way I'm supposed to be taking the pill and its effectivenes? (I think this may be why I coughed up the pill last night too.. I woke up this morning really sick.)
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Sam W »

No, the coating will not cause any issues. In the article you read, was there anything that jumped out at you as an explanation for why you might be having this anxiety around your pill?
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Dolly68 »

Thanks and yes I read it. I realized that I have a hard time believing In it because I can't physically see it working. I'm usually the type of person that likes a tangible approach..can you help me with one more thing? I went shopping before and was asked to put my bag on a scanner to make sure that no on shoplifts. Now I'm freaking out that it can deactivate my bc pills because they were in my bag. Is that possible? Please let me know I'm really nervous about this:(
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Mo »

There's nothing that can deactivate your pills just from being close to them; I'm not sure what kind of scanner that was but there's no machine that can make a birth control pill (or any other medicine) ineffective. You say you were looking at your pill pamphlet; any thing that might impact the pill's effectiveness will be listed there. So if you aren't seeing something mentioned there, it's because it's not going to be an issue. :)

You say you're having a hard time trusting your pill because you can't see it working; are you currently using condoms for intercourse? That's a method you can easily see, and we do suggest that folks back up hormonal birth control with condoms anyway, so that in case there ever is an issue with one form of birth control, the other can pick up the slack. If you feel like even that doesn't make you feel confident in your protection level, it may be a good idea to step back from some sexual activities for a while so you aren't worrying so much.
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Dolly68 »

Hi, since you mentioned that I have tried it and I think your right. There's something about seeing the actual protection that makes me feel better. I'll continue doing that. I am a fearful person in general but I am working on it. I have a funny question unrelated to the pill.. I was scraping some dirt off my cookie jar and realized after that it was blood. I freaked out after! It was going into my nail skin area. I have a bleeding cut on the next finger and a little bit of tearing skin on that finger from a manicure. I may even have a cut under the nail that I don't know about. Is there a risk for HIV/aids transmission? I washed my hands after and even put on hand sanitizer. I'm just asking you guys because I know you have a lot of knowledge on this topic. If the blood was dry is it dead? I'm very worried....do in need to get tested? Hope you can ease my concerns
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Karyn »

I wouldn't consider that a risk, no, but you could always ask a healthcare professional if you like. And you can read more about HIV here: The STI Files: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

You've expressed a lot of anxiety about health-related issues recently, and it sounds like anxiety might be a problem for you more generally. Have you ever considered seeking out mental healthcare - like a counsellor or therapist - to help you deal with that anxiety?
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Dolly68 »

Hi, thanks for your reply. I already asked a doctor too and he said it's not a risk and that I shouldn't worry. However, I kept worrying so I asked you guys for a second opinion and I'm happy to hear the same from you. When you said I can ask a healthcare professional, did you mean it as a means to calm me down extra? I agree with you and have been having more anxiety than usual. I just spoke to my mother about it tonight and opened up to her. She told me that she will help me find someone to talk to about these issues. She said she will research someone... Till now I just kept holding it all inside besides for talking to you guys. I want you guys to know you have really helped me and I think what your doing is amazing.
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Dolly,

I'm glad to hear talking with us has been helpful :) And too, I'm glad that your mom was so supportive when you opened up to her and that the two of you are going to look into some mental health resources. I hope the hunt goes well
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Dolly68 »

Thank you. I'm Glad it went well too. I'm relieved! We have started looking but in the mean time can you help me again with something please. Tonight I took my pill my regular time. About 20 min later I put on some makeup and when I blew the powder off my brush, some of it went into my mouth. Can this interact with my pill in any way in case I swallowed some powder by mistake?
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Re: Pill

Unread post by Karyn »

As Mo has already said, if a thing is not listed in the information leaflet that comes with your pill as something that could compromise its effectiveness, then it's not something you need to worry about.

I'm very glad you were able to talk to your mom about your anxiety and that she's going to help you find some mental healthcare. I'm also glad that you've found us helpful, but I think it's time to set a limit: we can't keep reassuring you that your pill has not lost effectiveness. Mostly that's because seeking reassurance is actually one of the things that we know is likely to be a hindrance rather than a help in the long run, as explained here: Why we set big limits around anxiety and reassurance.

If you find yourself concerned that something may affect your pill, please re-read your pill pamphlet and what we have already said here. You can also try some of the self-care strategies listed in this piece to help yourself de-stress: Self-Care a La Carte You might also find this piece useful: Self-Care When It's Scary
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