Two very early periods

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Two very early periods

Unread post by Aly.O »

Hi there. My periods are usually late, ranging from 4-7 days. I always end up getting them though. I got mine december 31st, and finished on January 6th. My period came pretty on time after that, on the 29th of January, finishing on the 1st of February, eveb though my periods last a day or two longer. Then, I started bleeding normally on the 14th of February to the 18th, and just when I thought my periods were done for another month, I got another one on February 25th to around March 1st/2nd. All the blood flow started off light, then went heavy, which is how every single period I have is. I have bled since, bc I think I'm supposed to get my period in the next few days, if I calculated right. I've also been experiencing some discharge and smegma a little under a week ago.

I want to know if this is normal. I don't use any birth control or plan b pill that can alter my cycle, I've never had sex or an std bc Im not sexually active with my boyfriend, we just stick with manuel sex, clean/carefully. I'm 16, I got my period 3 and a half years ago, so my mom says I'm still young and my cycle won't be normalized yet for a while, if not ever.

I just want to know if I should be worried about this, or when I can expect a next period - bc im not sure how to count the days for this. Would it be possible that I had two accounts of flow? And would it be normal to skip a period after my month since im so young? Thanks.
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Aly O,

Your mom is right when she says that, when you're young, period irregularity is not uncommon, so odds are that's what is causing this. And, there's no way to know when it will start to even out a little (bodies are different, and they change and adjust at different speeds) I do want to ask, how have you been tracking your cycle? If you've just been counting days, that doesn't actually give you an accurate sense of where you are in your cycle (you have to do things like track your temperature as well). We have some info on how to track your cycle more thoroughly, if you're interested in trying that out.
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Aly.O »

I've got the flu now, could that be affecting it? Or stress? Anyway, I track my cycles with the app Kindara, I just don't take temperatures, but it tells me a range of the amount of days it estimates it takes me to start a new cycle.

I'm just worried. I don't see why they came two weeks apart from each other. I'm wondering if I'm supposed to expect it in the next few days or weeks. It's just stressful because I kind of like getting them over with :/
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Aly.O »

Shoot sorry in my first post I said " I have bled since", I meant to say "I have not bled since."
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Aly.O »

Would it be normal that I may be skipping a period this month? I mean might get it in the next couple of days or week but if not is it weird if I did? It's just not common for me; I'm worried, i rarely rarely skip, is something wrong or is this just my body being irregular?
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Eddie C »

Is really hard to define what is normal or not especially when we talk about bodies. But yes, it not than uncommon to sometimes have a late, light period or to even skip one.

You can see more about this in here: ... _my_period
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Aly.O »

Okay, thanks, I guess I was just concerned about them coming so soon after the other.
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Karyn »

It can be stressful when our bodies do things we don't expect, but that's sort of the deal with having a body, really. Your cycles, just like the rest of you, can be affected by a bunch of different things, and sometimes it just isn't possible to tell exactly why a period is early or late or lighter or heavier than usual. Unless you go more than a couple of months without a period, or start having bleeding very frequently, this kind of thing isn't really a cause for concern and you can chalk it up to your body just being a bit out of whack for whatever reason.
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Aly.O »

Your reply has calmed me so much, thanks Karyn :)
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Re: Two very early periods

Unread post by Karyn »

Glad to be of help. :)
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