Does this count as an orgasm?

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Sam W
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Re: Does this count as an orgasm?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi namlop,

Just so you know, even within the medical community, there's a lot of debate over whether or not disorders like that are actually medical issues, or if they're merely something social being treated as though it is a medical issue. However, if you think you might have that disorder, then the person you need to talk to is a healthcare provider.
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Re: Does this count as an orgasm?

Unread post by Keda »

It's also just generally a good idea to try different things when you're not satisfied with sex or masturbation - I'd count different ways of using muscles in that, just as much as different positions, toys, movements, erotica, time and place etc. So experimenting in ways like what's described in that article is a good option, regardless of whether or not you're thinking in terms of medical conditions.
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