Weird symptoms/side effects

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Weird symptoms/side effects

Unread post by annabanana »

I have been taking Aranelle birth control pills for about 4 months (since January). I have been using them as directed, taking them within the same hour or two every day, and have not had a single missed or late pill. I'm not taking any other prescription meds. I have not had any side effects at all (except slightly larger breasts).

Since last Wednesday (April 22), I have been experiencing weird gastrointestinal symptoms. On Wednesday and Thursday I was nauseous after eating and since then I have been having bloating, gas, some abdominal/pelvic pain, and indigestion. My abdomen just feels bigger, swollen almost. My haven't had any increase in appetite or been eating any more than usual. I have been taking Prilosec since last Sunday but my symptoms haven't gone away.

I am currently on my last week of active pills and will start the placebos next week. I always get my period on the Tuesday after I start the placebos, so my next period is expected to be Tuesday, May 5th. Usually I experience pms symptoms at this time but these are not my usual symptoms.

My boyfriend and I had sex once during the first week of this pill pack. We used condoms. We had sex twice that night, and after he ejaculated the first time we put on a new condom. The condom didn't break or fall off either time, but did slide down a little the second time. He did not ejaculate the second time.

I have read all your articles about pregnancy scares and understand that my chances of pregnancy are really low, but these symptoms are freaking me out. Could these be pms symptoms? Is it common for pms symptoms to change? Could these be pill side effects? Are they common pill side effects? Is it possible for pill side effects to show up after taking them for this long?

I am so stressed, do you think I have something to worry about in terms of pregnancy/ pms or side effects of the pill or do I just have a stomach bug?
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Re: Weird symptoms/side effects

Unread post by Johanna »

If you are taking the pill as directed and doubling up with condoms, you have no reason to be concerned about a pregnancy risk.

Have you been to see a doctor about your gastrointestinal problems?
"The question is not who will let me, but who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand
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Re: Weird symptoms/side effects

Unread post by annabanana »

I have not yet been to see a doctor. I decided to try my health care provider's online resource first since my symptoms have not been severe in any way (I'm in my final weeks of college so it's not been convenient for me to get in to see my GP), which advised me to try a 14 day course of Prilosec. Since I started that, some of the abdominal tenderness I was having has gone away but the other symptoms have persisted.

I'm sure the fact that I've been stressing about this hasn't been helping though, so, unless my symptoms start getting worse, I was hoping to wait until my expected period to see if I get it and if having the peace of mind that I am definitely not pregnant helps.

The insert that came with my pills said that bloating, abdominal swelling/weight gain were possible side effects, but it seem strange to me that these would appear after taking the pills for several months with no effects. Is it possible/common for side effects to show up later?
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Re: Weird symptoms/side effects

Unread post by Johanna »

Side effects can show up at any point, yes. But if the symptoms persist, I would still suggest that you go and see a doctor. Do you have a health center on campus? That might be easier for you to get to than your GP.
"The question is not who will let me, but who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand
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Re: Weird symptoms/side effects

Unread post by annabanana »

We do have a clinic on campus, but I have been there before and was really not happy with the quality of care I received there. You're right though, I probably should get in to see a doctor. I'll try and make an appointment with my GP for this week. I do feel a little better now that I've been reassured that I don't need to be concerned about pregnancy.

Thanks so much for your advice, Johanna. This is my first time posting on site, but I use it all the time to educate myself about sexual health and find answers to my questions. This is definitely the most accessible and informative site I've come across! Thank you so much for doing such great work! :)
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Re: Weird symptoms/side effects

Unread post by Johanna »

Thank you! I am glad to hear that you've found the site so helpful :)

I hope you feel better soon!
"The question is not who will let me, but who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand
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