Pregnancy chances?

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Pregnancy chances?

Unread post by sunflower »

Hey everyone, I'm pretty worried that I may be pregnant and hope to get some advice, and information! My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and have used condoms very successfully as our main contraceptive, but on April 26 we had unprotected sex :( (I know it was extremly stupid of us). The thing is he didn't exactly ejaculate inside me, but on my vulva, and then he went in again and we continued to have sex, then he came out again and finished for the secound time. He had seman on his penis when he went in me the secound time, and I also know that precum can potentially be risky if he didn't peed after his last ejaculation.

Anyway we decided to get Plan B, but unfortunatley it was sunday and here in Italy you still need to have a prescription to get Plan B.. So I took it on Monday morning, about 30 hours after the unprotected sex. My doctor told me that because I was so close to ovulation that the pill might not work, and so here I am really freaking out :shock:

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, should I be really worried? Is the chance of pregnancy high, or am I just freaking over nothing? I know that nobody can tell me for sure, and really the only thing I can do is wait for my next period, but just typing this out made feel a little better..and hopefully someone can help ease my confusion and stress!

Oh and by the way, here is some info about my cycle if it helps..My last period was on Aprill 11, we had unprotected sex on Aprill 26 in the early morning, I took Plan B on the 27 and my cycle usally lasts 32 days give or take.
Thanks to everyone who reads this! :mrgreen:
Eddie C
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Re: Pregnancy chances?

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, sunflower!

Basically EC (Emergency Contraception) works in 3 different ways: inhibiting ovulation, thickening cervical mucus so sperm can't "swim" to the cervix so easily and making the lining of the uterus a less hospitable place for pregnancy to happen. So, nobody can be sure it won't work. Of course there is no 100% of efficiency rate but when taken within the 120 hours window efficiency rates are up to 89%. You can see more info, here: ... traception

So yes, as much as it sucks all you can do now is to wait for your period knowing that you did what you can when you took Plan B.

I know that waiting is really hard but maybe you can do some self-care while you do that? ... a_la_carte
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Re: Pregnancy chances?

Unread post by sunflower »

Hey, thanks for all the information! It really helped me relax about the situation :D I just wanted to post an update that I got my period! I'm so relieved and will definitely be more careful in the future :shock: Thanks again for answering my questions.
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