Attraction Contributing to Growth?

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Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since I last had questions that couldn't be answered with Google-Fu. I hope you guys can help me. Does attraction to another person (significant other, etc) cause the body to grow more than thought possible, especially the "secondary sex characteristics" as Wikipedia put it?

I started puberty around the age of late 9, going on 10. By the time I reached 13, growth slowed down and by 15, I was considered stunted. I no longer grew taller, bigger, wider, whatever you want to call it. I was 32,28,34 right up until I turned 20. Maybe even before that, I don't really check because I don't have image issues. I'm now 21 and I've had my boyfriend since 2012. Now, he's not exactly what one would call "drop dead gorgeous", and he's wondered over and over again about why I'm his girlfriend. We met online and what I fell in love with is his personality. As time went on though, I realised that he's extremely cute and he DEFINITELY turns me on just by being in my presence.

Last year, I noticed that my bras were getting tight. And then... my jeans too... Soon enough, there was no way I could stuff all my flesh into bras or jeans and I had to buy new ones. I recently had to get a new passport and they had a height scale. Having not measured my height in ages, I decided to see if I grew any taller... There was a whole cm difference! May not sound like a big deal, but for a stunted 5'1, that's a HUGE deal! Now I'm wearing jeans sizes that I'd have scoffed at a few years ago and bra cup sizes that would've made my younger self jealous. Infact, the bras that my mum made me buy a long time ago, the ones that their smallest sizes were way too big for me? They fit so very nicely now...

I just don't know how to feel about all this sudden growing. The height is awesome, but I was kinda happy already with my breast and hip sizes... Mum even joked about me trying to match the "average" Caucasian women (I'm Asian) because my boyfriend is American and 6'4... >.< Is my body really doing that? Is it attempting to become sexier just for him? Or can all this be explained away by my being a horse rider? (Riding makes butts/breasts bigger? Damn, girl problems EVERYWHERE just got a solution!)
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by Karyn »

Being in a relationship with someone or even just attracted to them can't affect physical development, no. (Nor is horse riding the culprit - all that can do is change muscle tone.) But, puberty can last a lot longer than people tend to think, and our bodies keep changing throughout the whole of our lives, not just when we're teenagers. That change also doesn't happen at a constant rate even during puberty: sometimes it can seem to stop for a while, and then pick up again.

Basically, having a bit of growth in your early 20s isn't something that's terribly uncommon, nor is it anything to be concerned about. It's just one of those things bodies do.
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

Thanks for the reply, Karyn.

I'm not concerned about it. I'm just lost as to how to feel about it. xD To be pleased or to be annoyed? I mean, this has nothing to do with body image or trying to keep his eyes on me. I don't care if he looks at other women, I'd look too! What I AM worried about is whether this will stop before I have to buy new bras/jeans every few months and end up with 10 (sort of) brand new pairs of clothes that I can't wear. I'm not too keen on the backache if I get too big either. Not to mention my perfectly fine almost brand new sports bra that was the perfect fit when I bought it but is now tight enough to hamper breathing when I first put it on! That one is especially expensive! D:

I've never heard of puberty stopping and then picking up later. That is very interesting. What is the age that generally, puberty DOES stop?
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by Heather »

On the whole, most people's bodies will be done with puberty and all the changes it creates between their early and mid-twenties.

And yep, those changes aren't a constant: they tend to ebb and flow, and have times things are happening, and times when things are in stasis. Too: yep, alas, big times with a lot of body changes tend to mean a lot of growing out of things, and boy can it even be a practical and financial strain!
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

:| So just need to wait another few more years... Any tips on saving money/clothes? >.<
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by Karyn »

If you're finding you need to buy clothes in new sizes fairly frequently, buying from secondhand stores can save some cash. Learning to sew and/or alter your own clothes can take time, but if you can get your hands on a sewing machine, it can be a cheaper option as well. Stretchy fabrics are always good too!
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

I can see modifying tshirts and those haven't been much of a problem anyway. It's the bras I'm worried about. Jeans aren't very easy to modify either D:
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by Karyn »

Yep, some things you just gotta buy new, unfortunately. :( Hopefully things settle down soon for the sake of your wallet!
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

On the bright side, it's not my wallet! xD On the down side, it's my dad's... Which... ehem, not a very good thing either... I honestly don't mind, if I start needing to buy new stuff when the current ones are getting really worn anyway. It's when my clothes are still new-ish and could last for another 10 years or so... Bleh, such conflicting thoughts! xD
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by Karyn »

You can always donate gently-used clothing - there are plenty of organizations and secondhand stores that will take them.
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Re: Attraction Contributing to Growth?

Unread post by TheConfusedOne »

My parents have a thing about donating clothes. I don't know why and I've given up asking. I still have all my baby clothes, just sitting around, gathering dust and turning yellow. It's... really odd to me as a younger generation, but according to them, it's something to do with spending money on them...
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