Any gardeners out there?

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Any gardeners out there?

Unread post by Peonies »

I just got all my vegetables planted this year and I'm super excited to go out and grab some fresh stuff when I make dinner! This is my third summer planting my own vegetables and I really enjoy it. I also love flowers as well.

This year I am planting strawberries, zucchini, yellow squash, heirloom tomatoes, a variety of peppers ranging from sweet to hot, broccoli, cucumbers, a variety of lettuce and greens, and lots of herbs. :D

Gardening is one of those self care things I do. When I am feeling sad, stressed, worried or even angry I go outside and work in my garden and I feel much better. Gardening has helped me through some dark times.
Do any of you garden? Any tips or tricks you'd like to share?
Formerly CraftyKid
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Re: Any gardeners out there?

Unread post by taylor_alyse »

Hi CraftyKid! Totally!! Gardening is the best, it is one of the most grounding things I can do for myself when I am feeling anxious, down or unbalanced. I personally really enjoy doing a bit of yoga to get centered and then weed, plant or harvest as a meditative tool.

As for gardening tips, I found it SUPER helpful to go to the farmers market and ask local farmers for some tips, as in every area you have different pests, weather, seasonal timing, etc. :)
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Re: Any gardeners out there?

Unread post by Heather »

Me too! In fact, just this past weekend, there was a plant sale to benefit one of the schools on the island where I live and I got the most major haul for peanuts! Eight tomato plants, four tomatillos, three cukes, four arugula, two lettuces, eight kales and two oreganos all for $40! I remain mighty stoked.

Last year, with our cukes, we built an a-frame trellis for them to climb up and over, and it easily doubled our yield. If you haven't tried that with cukes, I strongly suggest it! :) (It also kept the slugs off of them, which we have in spades here in the PNW.)
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Re: Any gardeners out there?

Unread post by Peonies »

Heather wrote:Me too! In fact, just this past weekend, there was a plant sale to benefit one of the schools on the island where I live and I got the most major haul for peanuts! Eight tomato plants, four tomatillos, three cukes, four arugula, two lettuces, eight kales and two oreganos all for $40! I remain mighty stoked.

Last year, with our cukes, we built an a-frame trellis for them to climb up and over, and it easily doubled our yield. If you haven't tried that with cukes, I strongly suggest it! :) (It also kept the slugs off of them, which we have in spades here in the PNW.)
That's a great idea and I will have to try it! I have a huge slug problem here too, those critters are very destructive. I've tried several different things without much luck. This year my big problem are the fuzzy caterpillars that make web type bags in trees. They haven't killed anything yet, but my poor flowers have become a lunch spot for them and have massive holes in the leaves. :o

You know, I think the thing about gardening that is so relaxing for me is caring for a growing thing. It takes my mind off my worries!
Formerly CraftyKid
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Re: Any gardeners out there?

Unread post by Heather »

I just bit the bullet and got what I needed to finally set up an on-ground watering system (nothing fancy, but up until now, it's been standing with the hose for watering).

I hear you about the caring about the growth! For me, too, I like the sensory experience of it all: being outside, the smell and feel of the dirt, all the colors, the quiet, etc. Having grown up so urban and never having been able to do anything but very limited container gardening, being able to actually have real space to plant in -- I live rurally now, and our vegetable area alone is bigger than most kitchens I've had in my life! -- it's such a treat!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: Any gardeners out there?

Unread post by Peonies »

That is awesome Heather! :D

I live rurally as well and I enjoy the room it provides for planting! I love the sensory experience of gardening as well. It helps me "get back to nature"!

A watering system would be nice - watering (as you know) takes a great deal of time! Not that I mind it, I just enjoy getting my hands in the dirt a little more. :P
Formerly CraftyKid
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