Razor Burn

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Razor Burn

Unread post by Rainbowhooves »

I shaved myself in my pubic area almost a month ago and wore really tight hot pants on a very hot summer feeling day.

I have been having bumps and redness around my vagina for more then a week and it has swelled down and just are red marks now.

They are located where my legs connect to my vagina and on the part ONLY where hair is and where I shaved. It is not in the vagina or around the opening. I'm kinda freaking out a little. I only lost my virginity to my boyfriend almost two months ago.

If I had something I would be destroyed. I dont think I can take more right now with me being kicked out of college and unable to complete my degree and a list of other issues.

Has anyone ever had razor burn like this or do I have an STD? My bf went to the doctors and got a blood std test and they said he was all clear. He showed me the paper but I didnt know what I was looking at with all the numbers.

It does not hurt or itch although I did rub it with my pants and it hurt but it may just be because it's irritated . Again, no itching or pain
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Re: Razor Burn

Unread post by Ashleah »

Hi Rainbowhooves,

The thing is we can not make a diagnosis, only suggestions on what could be going on. Ultimately a doctor who has examined you is the only one that can give you an answer. If you are concerned and continue to experience symptoms I would recommend that you see your doctor. It is possible you are having irritation from shaving, but again that is not something we can be sure of, plus seeing a doctor might give you some piece of mind.

And just to be clear for other users who might peek at this thread STIs can be present without symptoms like itching or burning.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now :( I'm sorry to hear that. If you are interested, we have some materials on our main site for self care that I can link you to.
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