Boyfriends mom thinks I don't like her.

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Boyfriends mom thinks I don't like her.

Unread post by katkit0598 »

My boyfriend (of 2+ years) told me today that his mom thinks I dont like her. I don't see her often or have many opportunities to talk to her to tell you the truth, and on top of that I'm a SUPER shy person (and shes the opposite) so even when I am around her, I don't have much to say.* I'ts not because I don't like her! In fact, I do like her. I think shes very nice to me. But it's just dont talk to her that much.

The main reason she thinks this is I go to alot of my boyfriends basketball games (were both 17) and sit at the top of the bleachers. Usually about halfway through the game his mom will show up (but not every time) and sit somewhere else. More often than not I don't even notice because i'm looking at the game. Sometimes I do notice and I go by her, but not usually. She doesn't sit alone though. She has plenty of friends that she sits with. But still, at the end of the game when I see her leaving I approach her and say hi, and she asks why I didnt come sit by her. I apologise and try to explain but theres really no use and I dont want to make a big deal about it.

My boyfriend tells me that after they get home she talks about how I never make an effort to talk to her etc.. and I feel TERRIBLE. I dont want her to think im avoiding her because im not. At the next game I'm going to keep my eye open for her the whole time and sit by her when she comes but, besides that what should I do to let her know I dont have a problem with her?

My boyfriend knows my parents pretty well and they like him alot. And he knows it too. So its kinda embarassing that his mom doesnt really care for me that much. I have absolutely no problem with her, Im just not sure how to let her know that without it being weird.

*I dont have much to say conversation wise. I say Hi and ask her how she is and make polite (yet weak) smalltalk when i get the chance but im just not that good conversationally. :(
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Re: Boyfriends mom thinks I don't like her.

Unread post by Heather »

Sounds like it might be a good idea for you to talk to his Mom yourself, and also to try reaching out and connecting more, like going and sitting with her at games, or even making plans together to go with each other.

You can tell her that you are shy and struggle with making conversation. Once she knows that, she can do what she can to try and make that easier on you. Really, sounds like the trouble here is lack of communication between you, so to fix that, you just have to start talking. Nothing weird about that, especially since it seems clear that's what she'd like, too.
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