Need help quick.

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Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Hello, I'm just gonna get right into the story, so yesterday me and boyfri d sort of did anal sex. We didn't have a condom so I put a towel in between my vagina covering it. So while I was blended over the towel was on my vagina so I could prevent and risk here. So is there a way that the sperm could swim under the towel or through the towel? Also as soon as he was done I wiped my butt with the towel because I felt some wet stuff so I don't know if that was his precum or if if my butt was just lubricated from it? I don't know. But he was just swiping his penis in between my butt cheecks with the towel down there covering. So is there a risk? And also I'm thinking about getting plan B but what do I need to know about getting it? Like how much is it in Texas & how old do I need to be. So if someone can ease help me and get those answers for me I'll be forever grateful. Thank you.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

My period ended about 2 days ago on the 3rd/4 and I have 26-27 day cycles so I'm expecting my period on like the 24th, he also peed after his last ejacualtion which was yesterday morning, and I've read if you do that it cleans the sperm out. So I just need some help. Has anyone became pregnant from anal to any of you guys knowledge?
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Sorry I didn't mean to put this in the sexual identity category.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Redskies »

Anal sex with ejaculation does present pregnancy risks, yes. Using a towel in the way you did isn't a way of preventing those risks, because you were still having direct genital-to-genital contact.

Per getting Plan B, your profile lists you as 22, so your age clearly isn't an issue. You can get Plan B from a health clinic or healthcare provider, or buy it from a pharmacy. From memory (not in the US, myself), I believe you might expect to pay around $40. If cost is an issue for you, some clinics may be able to help you with that, and you can ask your boyfriend to split the cost with you.

If you don't want to become pregnant, the best way of assuring that is to use at least one method of contraception, and to nix any kinds of sex that have pregnancy risks when you don't have one. Do you feel able to set that limit with your boyfriend, or do you need any help with how to have that conversation?

If you need information on what kinds of risks there are from different sexual activities, we've got it all: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That? .

Too, anal sex presents some of the biggest risks for STI transmission, so we'd always recommend using a condom to lower those risks. It's important to get sexual healthcare once you've started being sexually active, but it's especially important when you've had unprotected intercourse. Do you already have a place you go for sexual healthcare, or do you need any help in accessing it?

(No worries about the wrong board. We can move it to the Sexual Health board, once we know you know where to find it :) )
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

thank you. It's just my boyfriend is telling me that I don't have anything to worry about but I'm worried sick . And there's a place in Stafford that I can go to close by so I'm going to call them in the morning to see what all I have to do to get it. If I was underage do you need a parent with you to get a prescription for it? Do you think I'm over reacting about this situation & should not get plan B or do you think in the scenario that I should.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Like has someone became pregnant this way? Because I don't want to ruin my body or cycles by taking this pill unessecarily.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

And I don't get how the towel wouldnt stop the precum if there was any? Because it can't swim through it? And wouldn't him peeing after his last ejaculation lower the risk? & also if there precum in me after today that would mark it being in me for 2 days & I should ovulate on the 10 so what's the likelihood of precum living in me for 6 days? Or even 3?
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Tasha,

Since you're not underage, that's not a question to focus your worry on. And, we already told you that this does indeed pose a risk, even if that risk is lower than for something lime unprotected vaginal sex. Plan B will not ruin you body, although it does have the potential to make your cycle wonky for a few months. It's up to you whether or not you take it, but if you're concerned about pregnancy resulting from this, it's your best bet.

Also, I'm a little unclear. Did he ejaculate or not?
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

No he didn't ejaculate. There was no sperm I'm just worried if there was precum. Because out of no where it felt like my butt got lubercated so I looked up if that's possible during Anal & people said that it happens to them so maybe that was it, but I don't know. But he peed aster his last ejaculation and said there was no precum so he's telling me not to worry but I don't know I think I'm just going to get the plan B tomorrow because there closed on weekends & today is Labor Day so tomorrow will be the 3rd day so that's when I'm getting it.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Tasha,

The tricky thing about pre-ejaculate is that it's hard to say for sure whether or not it contained sperm in a given instance. You can read about that more here: ... _pregnancy
Also, just so you know, the anus is not self-lubricating, so if you were feeling liquid, there's a good chance it was pre-cum (or the lube from a bottle, if you used that). Glad to hear you have your plan for getting Plan B all set up to go.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Ok thank you. now I'm freaked out... I've never heard of possible Precum from the anus pregnating someone.. So is this chance a high risk or low one. The plan B should work after taking it 68 hours right? Ik it's not 100% but hopefully it will. I have like 33$ and I'm gonna try to get some more tomorrow, so I'm hoping to buy the ella plan B pill. I'll keep you guys updated thank you
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Heather »

Here is a link that can show you what level of STI and pregnancy risks various sexual activities, including anal intercourse, present: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?.

Plan B is estimated to be around 75% effective (but can be more or less effective, since people's fertility varies so much, as does the timing of a risk) when it's taken towards the end of the time period it can be. I'd also make sure that you and your partner both get a full STI screening soon if you both haven't a) recently had one, or b) have, but have not been sexually exclusive for at least six months. STIs are the big risk with unprotected anal sex, rather than pregnancy, which there is some risk of, but nothing close to the level of STI risk that activity presents when people do it unprotected.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Ok thank you. I'll be getting the pill tomorrow so it will be about 68 hours but Im gonna see if I can get ella instead of plan B. Also I see they charge you depending on your insurance & all of that well I don't have insurance so do I just walk in with my money & see? I'm going to planned parenthood so it can be cheaper & also if I throw up after I take the pill will they charge me for having to take another one
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Also how is someone fingering a person with precum pregnancy risk but doing anal is? He didn't go all the way inside me it was basically just him running his penis in between my out cheeks, so how is someone with precum on there fingering directly putting in someone's vagina not a risk but this is? Because anal isn't direct contact with the vagina? I'm confused on that part.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Heather »

Direct genital - that includes the vulva, vagina and anus - contact presents risks that indirect contact does not. That's primarily about the delicate nature of sperm cells, and how they also need the fluid they are ejaculated with for pregnancy to be possible.

Like I said though, it's STI risks which are the biggie here, not pregnancy. That's a possible risk, but a much smaller one with unprotected anal sex than the risk of HIV, other STIs or bacterial infections.

If you're going to Planned Parenthood, why don't you get set up there as a patient? That way, you can also get the STI testing you need. Their rates are sliding scale, based on your income, so what any kind of contraception, including emergency contraception, costs, as well as STI tests, will be about what you can afford. You can also pick up free condoms while you're there so that if you're going to take part in sex that presents pregnancy or infection risks, you can start doing so protecting yourself.

Do you want to talk about how to take a pass on any kind of sex when you don't have what you need to reduce your risks? Sounds like this situation may have involved not knowing how to do that. When we don't have what we need to reduce risks we don't want to be taking -- or are just so big it's not worth it -- the answer is to take a pass on doing what poses them, rather than trying to improvise with things that don't work to reduce those risks.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Ok thank you for all of this information. This is all just really scary because I'm basically alone in this situation.. My boyfriend is telling me I'm stupid for going to get plan B because there's no risk, so I have no support from him, I have to ride my bike for about 30 minutes to get to this place & this is all just scary. I know I have to have a prescription do those cost money? Will I have to pay for the pill & the prescription?
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Heather »

I'm really sorry to hear that. I know now is probably not the time to dig in too deep with this, but if your sexual partner is acting that way, sounds to me like that's not someone ready to be a sexual partner. It's pretty easy to say a fear is stupid when you're not the one at risk: but being understanding about differences like that is really something someone has to have to have the emotional maturity to be sexual with others.

Again, if you're going to Planned Parenthood, they'll walk you through all of this. At this point, if you want Plan B, ythough, ou really need to go ASAP, though if you miss that window, please again know it's STIs which are the big risk here, not pregnancy, so that testing -- and making different choices moving forward -- is what is most vital here.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Thanks . Last question so since this happened on Saturday, sunday Monday Tuesday this is the 3rd day right? Because I'm taking it today, and from Saturday to Sunday night it was 24 hours then Sunday to Monday it was 48, then Monday to Tuesday its about 57 hours or so but I'm taking the pill at like 64 hours so this is ok right
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Johanna »

Have you been to Planned Parenthood yet? As Heather said, they will explain all this to you. I understand that you're in a tough situation and feeling scared, but at this point the best thing you can do is go to PP and talk to them about your next steps in terms of Plan B and getting some STi testing.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

took plan B about 20 minutes ago. will keep you guys updated thanks for your help
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Redskies »

Sure thing. I'm glad you were able to get the Plan B.

It's sounded like one thing that'd be really important and helpful for you is getting your boyfriend on board with being respectful and supportive of you with your needs around pregnancy prevention, or reassessing the relationship with him if he's not willing to do that. Telling you there was no reason to worry was factually incorrect and unsupportive, and then telling you you were stupid for getting Plan B was, frankly, pretty jerky and disrespectful. Teling someone they're stupid isn't nice anyway, but it's extra-jerky when it's about something that's really important to you and would affect you more than him.

If you'd like to talk about any of that, we'd be happy to talk about it with you, whenever you feel ready. In the meantime, I think that after these stressful few days, doing something nice for yourself is very much in order :)
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Today I had brown old blood on my underwear then I wiped & it was more brown blood, so I think this is a sign my period is here? This isn't implantation bleeding is it? My period is 10 days early if this is it & I know plan B messes up your cycle so is this brown old blood I'm having implantation bleeding or is it most likely just my period?
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Heather »

As you know, we don't have some kind of magic line to anyone's uterus or other body part to tell us what's happening to it that the person inhabiting that body can't know. If only!

What there is for you to do now, having taken Plan B, is to just hang in there until it's either a) time for your period, or b) time to test for pregnancy, whichever comes first. And you want to do all you can to shift your focus elsewhere until then because there's simply nothing else to do until that time about these concerns.
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

Woke up to red blood so I'm sure this is my period! It's red & dark red flow so in pretty sure this is my period & not implantation bleeding! Thanks for your help!
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Re: Need help quick.

Unread post by Tasha105 »

About how long does plan B hold off ovulation? Like 5. Days?
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