Is it possible to like or want sex/sexual things too much?

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Is it possible to like or want sex/sexual things too much?

Unread post by PrincessLuLu »

I know that having a sex drive is completely normal, but I am starting to worry I think about sex too much. Is this possible? How can you tell if there's a problem and what can I do if I have a problem?
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Re: Is it possible to like or want sex/sexual things too muc

Unread post by Karyn »

Unless you're finding that it's interfering with the rest of your life (if it feels like these thoughts are keeping you from focusing on other things when you need to, or if it feels like you can't control them), then you're just fine. If you do think it might be a problem though, then a counsellor or therapist is the person to check in with.
"Where there is power, there is resistance." -Michel Foucault
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Re: Is it possible to like or want sex/sexual things too muc

Unread post by PrincessLuLu »

Thank you Karyn. I don't really think at this time I have a problem, but as someone with anxiety disorder, I tend to think the worst of every situation and worry a lot about things in my life. Thank you
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