IUS experiences?

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IUS experiences?

Unread post by Esmerelda »

To clarify, I am getting the IUS, which gives out some hormones, not the copper IUD.

I've been taking the pill for the past 5 years, and it's been working really great for me, but my doctor recommended I change to the Mirena (IUS), because it contains less hormones and you don't have to think about it for 5 years after you've had it inserted. Since the pill has been so good for me I'm a little unsure about changing to something else. Could you all tell me your experiences with the IUS if you've had one? Did you notice any changes in acne, mood, period, etc? Did they seem to settle down after a couple months?

Thanks ladies! :)
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Re: IUS experiences?

Unread post by Heather »

The hormone in the Mirena is not only just a progestin - the pill is both progestin and estrogen, with the latter at root of most side effects - it also is only localized to the uterus, not something in all of your bloodstream like the pill. That's why the kind of side effects you're concerned about aren't associated with Mirena.
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Re: IUS experiences?

Unread post by DonnaMarie »

I don't want to scare you off but spent this morning hunting desperately to get mine taken out, I'm 24, no kids and so glad its out!! Had it for 4 years (doc was imressed I went so long) gave me acne like I've never had before, moody, most recently so sensitive to touch its almost painful, not fun for my poor partner, the strings eventually softened so he couldn't feel them but in certain positions I damn well could. Giving implanon another try, I'm told its different to when I last had it 5 years ago.
P.S They told me to expect a "pinch" on insertion. BS, nearly crawled backwards off the bed it was so bad.
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Re: IUS experiences?

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

Well, for what it's worth: my experience was clearly positive. I used Mirena for ten years and had no bad side effects (some acne on my back, but that was all). For several years, I did not menstruate at all which I thought was great. Insertion was no fun, but my second time around, the doctor gave me an injection in the cervix to numb it and that helped a whole lot.
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