Chances of STI's?

Questions and discussion about contraception, safer sex, STIs, sexual healthcare and other sexual health issues.
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Chances of STI's?

Unread post by Danni »

Okay so long story short(ish): A friend of mine got pressured into having sex without condoms by her (now ex) boyfriend, which turned into a pregnancy scare (she's not thankfully) but now we're wondering what are the possible chances he could of given her an STI? She was a virgin before him but he wasn't. She's probably going to get tested sometime soon to find out for sure but in the meantime it would help to have an idea of the chances of it. She doesn't have any symptoms or anything but it's just been in our minds now that her pregnancy scare has passed. Sorry for bothering anyone, and thanks for any help you can give.
Sam W
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Re: Chances of STI's?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Danni,

I'm sorry your friend went through that (glad the dude is an ex now too). Unprotected sex does pose a risk of STIs, and some of those may not have symptoms. So, her plan to get tested is sound and will be the best way for her to find out if any got passed on from this incident.
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Re: Chances of STI's?

Unread post by Danni »

Ya he wasn't very good to her. She's probably going to get checked in a couple weeks so just kind of wanted to know what chances there may be in the meantime.
Sam W
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Re: Chances of STI's?

Unread post by Sam W »

That's something we really can't tell you without knowing the status of her partner in terms of STIs. And, even then, we would not be able to talk in percentages. So her plan to get tested is sound (I would suggest she ask for the full panel and clarify with the staff what they will be screening for).
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