Condoms..the real deal???

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Condoms..the real deal???

Unread post by vennisa65 »

Hi there! :-)
Recently I went from hormonal birth control to just condoms. The switch was entirely for me, because my body with artifical hormones...NOT having it.

My mom flipped when she found out I was having sex with JUST condoms...I understand her concern; but, I consider myself a perfect user!

We always use one for ALL genital contact and theres never been any rips or tears or leakage, since I make him "withdrawl" before ejaculation anyway. So I don't understand why she's concerned. Wouldn't a break or rip or leak be obvious? We always check the condom afterwards, and I have even filled it with water to check (which isn't recommend) and it was fine.

I'm fairly confident with Condoms, so why isn't my mother. I'm going back on the pill as soon as I get my period, which should be any day now. But now I'm scared I'm pregnant...because my mom says condoms are only 70% effective and not reliable, when I CLEARLY saw reliability and no direct fluid transfer unless it was microscopic?

Please reassure me!
Eddie C
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Re: Condoms..the real deal???

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, Vennisa.

Condoms, all by themselves, have a very high efficiency rate when used properly. If and when you use condoms they do not break or slip, you can trust they are doing their work. There is no need to fill them with water -- actually, that might break them because they are NOT intended to have large quantities of liquid -- and if and when they break is going to be absolutely noticeable. Like a balloon that pops. No way it will go unnoticed. :)

Your mother -- or anyone -- is entitled to her own opinions, but this is about you and what makes you feel okay and safe. If you are okay just using condoms, and you do it properly, then that's what you need to do. If you want to back up with the pill, that's something you can do too. Yes, using two contraceptive methods gives you higher protection but that doesn't mean that using only one is a bad thing. If you are interested in learning about efficiency rates, you can do it here: ... ol_with_a_

The first link talks about condoms while the second one will give you all the information about backing up with a second method. Also, the pill is not the only way you can back up the usage of condoms and you will see it in the second link. :)
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