Withdrawal bleed Question

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Withdrawal bleed Question

Unread post by aj2234 »

I know the pill can make periods lighter, but can a heavier period occur while on the pill? I've been on Yasmin for a year and a half and, for some reason, my withdrawal bleed is much heavier than it has been - it's like the periods I used to have prior to starting the pill. Is there a particular reason for this/is this normal?
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Re: Withdrawal bleed Question

Unread post by Karyn »

It's tough to pinpoint a reason for something like this, other than "bodies can be unpredictable," but just like when you're not taking hormonal birth control, there can be some variation in your bleeds. The pill changes your cycle in a way that prevents ovulation, but it doesn't totally override what your body does on its own, and so the same kind of fluctuations can happen. Unless you're having a lot of pain or you're bleeding very heavily (going through the highest absorbency pad or tampon in under a couple of hours) then it's not something to be concerned about.
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Re: Withdrawal bleed Question

Unread post by aj2234 »

No, I'm only using light-regular tampons. Thank you very much for your reply. It's good to know that my pill should still be working fine and that everything is good despite this happening. :)
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