How do I give a blow job?

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How do I give a blow job?

Unread post by 01Dancer »

So I know how u give one but how do u start it? Like for example 2 people are making out how do u initial that you wanna give him a bj? Do u just kinda feel him up? Idk I'm so lost :lol:
Sam W
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Re: How do I give a blow job?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi 01Dancer,

With any kind of sexual act, the key is to communicate. So, in the moment that could be something like "hey, I'd like to give you a blow job. Is that something you'd like?" That makes what you want to do clear, and makes sure that they consent to it before you do it.

It can also help to, before you start getting sexy with each other, go over what things are or are not on the table. That way, you have a better sense of each other's desires and boundaries around sex. We have an article on how to do that here: Yes, No, Maybe So: A Sexual Inventory Stocklist
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