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Please Help

Unread post by anonymousguy »

Hi Scarleteen,

Me (24) and my girlfriend (22) are being paranoid.

Last January 2, 2016 we had oral sex (no direct genital contact) and dry humping (i was wearing shorts and she was wearing pants but there was a time when I was still wearing shorts but she was only in her panties with panty liner).

For the oral sex, I first came down on her then she washed up then she came down on me and I came in her mouth and she swallowed the cum accidentally. There was no direct genital to genital contact.

On January 8 she had her period which lasted for about 7 days.

Last Friday (January 22), she said that when she wiped after urination there is a little pinkish blood on the tissue paper and the night of the same day, she said that there is brown discharge on her panty liner.

Yesterday (January 23), there is still the brown discharge on her panty liner but there is non on the tissue paper when she wipes.

Today (January 24), there is still brown discharge on her panty liner but in less amount compared to the past two days.

She had brown discharge for three (3) days now.

What can be the problem?

Is there a risk of pregnancy in this situation.

Please help us ease our minds.

Thank you!
Sam W
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Re: Please Help

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi anonymousguy,

You can find the information you need in this article:
The Pregnancy Panic Companion
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