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Unread post by Mkicksz »


My question regards talk about periods. My period was on January 14th but it started off very slow. Three days later It eventually got heavier and lasted just over a week. However, this is the first period that I have not had any uterine lining be shed like normal. I am not pregnancy scared because I have not done anything that could lead to that, but I feel like my cycle is all out of whack. I had cramping after my period ended, and my breasts were extremely sore after it as well, which never really happens to me.I have been on antibiotics lately and perhaps this is throwing my body out of its regular? Is this something to be concerned about?
Sam W
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Re: period

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Mkicksz,

It's pretty standard for periods to vary in length, flow, and symptoms from time to time. So, it doesn't sound like there's cause for concern :)
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