Effectiveness of bc

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Effectiveness of bc

Unread post by dmarti02 »

Hi! I had been on depo for about a year when my doctor recommended Nexplanon. I just got nexplanon on Thursday (4/21), but wasn't due for a depo shot till June 16th. Can I assume that I was covered right away? Or do they have counter active effects so that it wouldnt be effective..
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Re: Effectiveness of bc

Unread post by Redskies »

They don't counter-act, no. They're both progestin-only hormonal methods and work by consistently releasing small amounts of hormone. Having a bit extra hormone while they overlap isn't going to do anything different to its contraceptive effect.

You've still been covered by your depo shot, so yes, you'll have had continuous contraceptive coverage the whole time.

With you changing your method and overlapping the methods slightly, it's possible you might have some temporary side effects, particularly a bit of wonkiness to your cycle - but you also might not, because everyone's body is different. If you do, it should settle down within a few cycles, once the depo has completely worn off and your body has has time to adjust to a new method.
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Re: Effectiveness of bc

Unread post by dmarti02 »

I totally have the wonkiness. :( I had asked my doctor and she said it wouldn't be so bad but I can watch someone cry-not even knowing why they are crying, and cry with them. Lol. Thank you for your quick response! :)
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