Missing Periods and BC pills?

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Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Liz_c »

I've been on birth control pills (Junel Fe 1/20) for probably a little over a year now. Recently I've been diagnosed with high blood pressure and after doing some research, I learned that birth control can contribute to having higher blood pressure. I decided to stop taking my pills the month before last to see if my pressure was lower. So for the entirety of that month, I was a hormonal, emotional mess, and I came to the conclusion that I needed my pills (and my sanity) even though it could potentially raise my blood pressure. (By the way, my blood pressure didn't change at all, pills or no pills.) So last month, I started a new pack the Sunday after my period, as per usual, and did not skip any pills, and always took my pills within a time frame of a few hours. According to the directions on my pack, I am completely protected after one week of pills. Just to be safe, I waited two weeks before having sex with my boyfriend and he finished inside me. However, it has been a little over a week since starting my placebo pills, and I've yet to get my period. I don't think I could be pregnant, because as I said, I take my pills exactly as I am supposed to and exactly as the directions say to, but it is a little concerning not knowing what's going on with my body because my periods have always been regular. Is it common to have period fluctuations after stopping/restarting the pill?
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Carmen »

Hi Liz_c,

Having period fluctuations after stopping and restarting the pill (or really just in response to being on hormonal birth control in general) is totally reasonable. Everyone's bodies react differently to birth control and it sounds like you have been taking your pills exactly as you should be so the effectiveness of the pill shouldn't be altered.
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Liz_c »

I'm back! As I said before, I didn't get my period the previous month and started a new pack of BC pills anyway, like the directions on my pack said to. It's now the 3rd week of my active pills, one week before I'm supposed to start my placebos and get my period. But today, poof! My period came. It's not spotting, it's pretty heavy like a regular period. Is this normal to get a period on active pills after missing my last period? Should I still expect a period next week or is this it? And I wasn't really worried about pregnancy to begin with, but getting my period would suggest that I'm not, correct? Thanks in advance for the clarification!
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Carmen »

Hi again!

There is really no "normal" bodily reaction to birth control and because everyone's bodies react to birth control in different ways, there is no way we can let you know if something specific to your body is normal or healthy or not. I would suggest just keeping tuned in with your body and figuring out what 'normal' means for you. And if something ever feels drastically off or wrong, checking in with a health care provider (because since we are not doctors and not there with you, we cannot answer the same kinds of questions a health professional would be able to).
And yes you are correct, one cannot have their period while they are pregnant.
It sounds like your birth control is causing you some extra anxiety - do you want to talk about that at all or why that might be?
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Liz_c »

I'm not sure if I would call it anxiety, but I've definitely been considering another birth control route other than the pill. I'm human and I know my pill taking habits, although currently pretty good, may not always be reliable. My boyfriend and I have a home together and have every intention of getting married and having kids in the next 5 or so years, but not exactly right now, so I want to look into something more permanent. I've heard horror stories about the Depo shot that have made me a little gun shy, and I haven't gotten enough information on the implant or things of that nature to make a decision. Since we recently moved I don't really have an OBGYN so that's probably where I need to start. :)
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Carmen »

That is awesome you are aware of your body and your behaviors and how those may make this option not the best one for you. It is true that certain birth control methods aren't for everybody - and that's why it is great there are so many options! I would suggest checking out our Birth Control Bingo! to explore possible other BC options. This page is actually interactive - almost like a quiz for what option may be best for you. I also agree that finding a OBGYN would be a great place to start :)
I also want to add that horror stories are usually not a good reason to flush out an option entirely - what doesn't work for some people might work amazingly for others! (if you want to read more about what we have to say about the depo shot specifically, check this out Depo-Provera (The Shot))
I also might suggest checking out the IUD which is more permanent, doesn't require you to do any work or remember to do anything and is easily removable when and if you decide to want to have the option of getting pregnant - Intrauterine Devices (IUD, IUC or IUS)
Let me know if you have any other questions :)
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Liz_c »

I'm back...again!

Last time I was here, I was bleeding during my third week of active pills, not my placebo pills like I'm supposed to. It was just like my period usual is, but it came way later than my period always has. Would that bleeding still be considered a period? Or is it considered breakthrough bleeding? Or something else entirely? Not having my cycle behave like it usually does is giving me extra anxiety lately. I went ahead and started another pack of pills, but I'm concerned, and even though I have had a period/bleeding/something since the last time I've had sex, I can't bring myself to buy a pregnancy test even though I know it could give me peace of mind. Am I just being paranoid?
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Carmen »

Hi Liz_c,

It sounds like you have a pattern of anxiety (or lack of peace of mind in your words) around birth control and pregnancy (which I know we discussed briefly before). Rather than temporarily soothing a moment of anxiety around birth control, I'd like to refer you to resources about managing anxiety and practicing some self care when moments of anxiety hit.

For taking care of yourself in those moments: Self-Care a La Carte
For pregnancy anxiety: The Pregnancy Panic Companion
For anxiety in general: Anxiety and Other Mental Health Resources

You mentioned earlier you were thinking of changing BC (birth control) methods because of this anxiety? Have you looked into that any more or taken any actions towards that?
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Liz_c »

No, I haven't checked into finding a new doctor yet, I just found out I got into a pretty prestigious program at my college and I've been distracted by making sure I have everything ready to begin classes. And to be completely honest, I'm not sure what I would do if I did go to the doctor and things didn't go the way I want them to. I've never had my body act so weird and it's really scary for me. I've got so many things going on right now, adding worrying over this to my already overloaded schedule is just making stuff harder. :(
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Carmen »

Congrats on getting into that program, but I am sorry that it is causing so much stress :?
What are scared might not go your way if you go to the doctor?
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Liz_c »

I know we already established that I took my pills like I was supposed to, but the longer I go without having a period (at least having a period when I'm supposed to get one), the more I start to wonder if I was completely protected or not. I mean I did bleed pretty heavily two weeks ago during my active pills, but is that a period, or a breakthrough bleed? And even though I could go to the drug store right now, get a pregnancy test and finally stop wondering, the thought of finding out something as concrete as that is pretty scary to me, just the same as going to a doctor and getting one there. I know I NEED to do something just so I can stop thinking about it, but taking that step is scary. If that makes sense.
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Re: Missing Periods and BC pills?

Unread post by Carmen »

Ah, I understand what you meant. Are you still interested in making a doctor's appointment for potentially switching birth control options? As you have identified that that is where some of this anxiety is stemming from.

And again, all bodies react to birth control differently and we are not medical professionals so we are not going to be able to give you any concrete answers to questions such as those specifically about if you are having your period or breakthrough bleeding, etc.
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