Had bad diarrhea while taking mini-pill, worried

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Had bad diarrhea while taking mini-pill, worried

Unread post by tonasa94 »


A week ago today, I woke up at around 5-6 am with abdominal cramping, nausea, and ran to the bathroom. I had bad diarrhea (several watery stools) until around 7:30 am when the medicine I took kicked in. I've been using the mini-pill now for several months after switching. I take it every day at 8:30 am. The day before I had the diarrhea, I took my pill at the normal time. I also took my pill at the normal time the day I had the diarrhea. I did not have any more diarrhea symptoms after taking the pill that day.

Should I be worried? My partner and I didn't use a backup method before or after that day, and it's now been a week. I kind of wrote the diarrhea off because I figured that the diarrhea hadn't happened until nearly 24 hours after I took my pill the day before I was, and I took my pill on the day I was sick on time with no symptoms after that. I figured that my pill was probably absorbed long before the diarrhea, and since I had no symptoms and took my next pill on time, I should alright. Should I call my pharmacist? If that day counts as a missed pill, would I still fall under the typical use effectiveness rate?

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Re: Had bad diarrhea while taking mini-pill, worried

Unread post by Carmen »

Hi tonasa94,

If you are worried, calling your pharmacist sounds like a good option and they will be able to provide you with information specific to you and your pill better than we can. And yes, typical use effectiveness rate takes into account potentially missing a pill or two through out the year.
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