
Questions and discussions about your bodies and their parts.
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Unread post by firedude06 »

So, I have always been mentally ahead of my age. And now at my age (13) I am beginning puberty. I want to try masturbating, (and I have a fully supportive family so I have no fear of that) but I'm not sure how to approach it. I know most of it is discovering what feels good, but I don't want to go in blind. So, could someone give me some pointers on beginning masturbation? And one last thing, can you feel pleasure from masturbation before you can produce sperm? Thanks. Sorry if this is the wrong forum for me. I don't really know.
Sam W
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Re: Masturbation

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi firedude,

Yes, masturbation can be pleasurable even if your body is not yet producing sperm. As for how to make it feel good, you're right that it depends a lot on your body and experimenting with different sensations. One thing that can help a lot is making sure you use some kind of lubrication, as that generally makes it feel more pleasant.
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Re: Masturbation

Unread post by firedude06 »

And do you feel the same build up as you normally do if you can't produce sperm yet?
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Re: Masturbation

Unread post by Karyn »

Arousal tends to feel a bit different even day to day, and you'll likely notice that the way it feels will change over the course of your life, but it's totally possible to feel aroused and orgasm even if you aren't yet producing sperm or able to ejaculate. For people with penises, ejaculation and orgasm are actually two separate events: they usually happen together, but they're different, so you can absolutely feel aroused (the build-up) and have an orgasm without ejaculating.
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Re: Masturbation

Unread post by firedude06 »

Got it. Thanks so much guys.
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