Slight sting after fingering?

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Slight sting after fingering?

Unread post by Jellowl »

About 2 days ago, my boyfriend (17yrs) and I (16yrs) were getting really intimate. He asked if he could try fingering me that night (We've done it once or twice before) and I was A-okay with it. While he was doing it, everything was mostly fine. I did feel a slight sting when he first went in but it quickly faded once he started fingering, so I dismissed it. With the added neck kisses, everything felt like bliss and there was no in the moment pain I can remember. With all the stimulation, I think I was very close to an orgasm.

Any who, about a day later I noticed around my vaginal opening it felt like a slight sting (Nothing terrible, just a slight sting if I were to touch it). Urinating or pooping does not seem to cause pain so I was wondering if it's normal to have a slight stingy feeling afterwards. I was very aroused and wet at the time so he wasn't going in dry and he did wash his hands before and after the event.

I'm nervous about this because I don't want to make an appointment with a doctor seeing as my parents are unaware that we've tried this sexual act; I'd be mortified and very uncomfortable looking them in the eyes.

As an extra note, I do not use tampons but I have tried to place a finger or two in my vagina before. When I've done it, I did not have the stingy feeling (Though as another extra note, I have noticed my hymen does cover a fair amount of my vaginal opening. Is it also possible that his finger tore/stretched the hymen when fingering?) I'm just wondering if maybe my boyfriend was a little rough that night or if he may have accidentally scratched me in some way.

Thanks in advance for the advice
Sam W
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Re: Slight sting after fingering?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Dinowl,

We can't say for certain why this is happening, but it is possible to have some tenderness after penetration, even if you were aroused during it. For instance, he could have made a small, accidental scratch with his nail. It's likely this will go away soon, but if it's not gone in a few more days or it seems to be getting more painful instead of less then you will need to check in with a healthcare provider.

If you're curious about the hymen, this is a great article to read: From OW! to WOW! Demystifying Painful Intercourse
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