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Unread post by girly52 »

Me and my boyfriend was having sex in his car and he also fingered me. After we had sex I saw there was blood on his seat and I told him it couldn't be mine because I already had my period this month. He ended up fingering me & eating me out again and then I noticed his hand was covered in blood!! and so was his seat and I told him idk how this is happening because I already had my period because of my birth control and I know when I get it. I dont get it twice a month. He's the fifth person I had sex with (not recently btw) but did he pop my cherry? I didn't bleed when I had sex with the other guys. Or was it because of the fingering? Was he going to rough or because of his nails? But he does the same thing everytime so why would this time be different? ?????? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Eddie C
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Location: Seattle, WA

Re: Question.

Unread post by Eddie C »

It could be that your partner needs to trim their nails and use more lubrication to avoid dryness and, thus, hurting you. Also, if rough manual sex is hurting you, is always a good idea to slow down a little bit just to make sure everyone is enjoying.

Also, even when you are on Birth Control spotting can happen. It is not unusual and not a sign of anything, just something that can happen. And if it didn't happened before it doesn't mean it won't happen ever.

If the bleeding keeps happening, then checking in with your doctor is a good idea. When someone is sexually active taking care of sexual health is a must, anyway. :)
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