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Unread post by Monkey12 »

How are your hormones after you have sex for the first time? I feel like I get turned on with little stuff, and it feels inappropriate
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Re: ?

Unread post by Karyn »

Having sex, all by itself, doesn't change anything about your hormones, and hormones aren't the only thing responsible for feeling turned on. It could be that you're just going through a time when your sex drive is a bit higher, which happens from time to time and isn't anything to be concerned about. It also isn't unusual for people who are newer to partnered sex to think about it more, which can sometimes result in arousal.

What is it about getting turned on more easily or by little things that feels inappropriate to you?
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Re: ?

Unread post by Monkey12 »

I'm not really sure like when my dog plays with me sometimes, or when I take my little sister a bath or wipe her after she uses restroom, I dont physically do anything bad, it's just the feeling I get, I don't want to feel this way, I feel like it's just my body and me thinking about the feeling of getting turned and that's why, but I'm not sure
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Re: ?

Unread post by Monkey12 »

I'm not sure if it's normal
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Re: ?

Unread post by Heather »

You know, there's really no accounting for what "wakes up" sexuality for people. Only really starting to experience sexual feelings after intercourse and in your mid-twenties is a bit unusual, but again, people's experiences with this vary.

And once your sexuality is something you're aware of, once someone starts getting in touch with their own sexual feelings and desires, it for sure can also feel like something that, for a little bit, kind of overtakes everything for some folks.

But like any other feelings, that's all those are: feelings. They don't facilitate action unless you choose to act on those feelings, and they are ultimately not in your control, but what you do with them is. So, this might just be a matter of getting used to having an awareness of those feelings, that's all.
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