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Unread post by A_mi_03 »

I started using the yaz pill 11 days ago(today will be day 12) but I have noticed that I have been spotting for 5 days now? Is this normal? Apart from that I had unprotected sex and my partner came inside me, should I take the morning after pill to be safe? Am I safe?
Sam W
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Re: Terrified

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi A_mi_03,

We can't say for certain what the source of the bleeding is. If you've recently started the pill, it's possible this is your body adjusting to being on it or a side effect of starting it. However we, and many other sources, recommend waiting one full pill cycle before engaging in unprotected sex (we actually recommend the buddy system of combining the pill and a condom). If you are within five days of the incident, you still have the option of taking he morning after pill.

I also want to check, are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing?
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Re: Terrified

Unread post by A_mi_03 »

But won't taking the morning after pill mess up my whole routine of taking the pill?
Yes we are up to date, and seem to be both fine, this is one of the very few times we have actually engaged in unprotected sex as we usually use a condom.
Eddie C
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Re: Terrified

Unread post by Eddie C »

Taking Emergency Contraception won't mess with your pill. Is hard to predict how your body will react (side effects) but the effectiveness, and cycle of the pill won't get affected.
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Re: Terrified

Unread post by A_mi_03 »

Once I take the morning after can I continue with the pill as normal? Or won't it induce my period?
Eddie C
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Re: Terrified

Unread post by Eddie C »

You want to continue you pill as normal (so you can complete the whole cycle), regardless if you get a withdrawal bleeding or not. here's more info about Emergency Contraception: http://www.scarleteen.com/article/sexua ... traception
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