Condom leakage?

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Condom leakage?

Unread post by wildprincess »

Hello! Yesterday my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. It was the first time for the both of us so we aren't exactly experts/really sure of what is normal or abnormal. I am aware that to put on a condom we're supposed to pinch the tip and roll down the condom. As he is uncircumcised and fairly large it was quite hard to roll down the condom. Do you have any advice as to how to make this easier?

When he came and pulled out, I noticed that though majority of the cum was at the tip, there were some along the shaft though none was at the base nor was there any on the outside of the condom. I was wondering if this is normal? I am fairly certain condom did not break and did not have any leaks. He filled the condom with water after and there were no leaks at all so I guess it's safe to say there aren't any leaks. I am just am a little curious/anxious to know if the semen on the shaft is normal? We were in missionary position if that makes a difference?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Condom leakage?

Unread post by Karyn »

For people with uncircumcised penises, putting a condom on is slightly different than it is for circumcised folks. What you want to do is pull the foreskin down gently as you roll the condom on (only to the point where it's comfortable, it shouldn't hurt), then when the condom is unrolled about a third of the way, pull the foreskin back up with the condom as you keep unrolling the condom with the other hand. Basically what you're trying to do is leave some slack in the condom so that it can move back and forth with the foreskin. A drop of lube in the tip of the condom before you unroll it can help too, as well as making things more comfortable for the condom wearer. If you're finding that even then it's still difficult, you may want to look into larger condoms; I don't know what's available to you locally, but this piece has some suggestions for brands that make larger condoms:Your Map to the Condom Aisle

To answer your second question, as long as the condom didn't break or slip off, then it did its job. It's normal for a bit of ejaculate to move down the shaft of the penis inside the condom; that doesn't mean the condom has failed or that any has leaked out. For the record, it's not necessary to fill condoms with water after you use them: when condoms break it's obvious, and filling them with water afterwards can actually create holes that weren't there before and cause unnecessary worry.
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Re: Condom leakage?

Unread post by wildprincess »

Thank you for your prompt reply! Is it safe to say that I shouldn't be worrying about this as the risk of pregnancy is fairly minimal? I'm just a little anxious as it might have been during my ovulating phase. My cervix felt fairly soft yesterday but was quite dry and the cercixal mucus was tacky and lotiony. Thank you!
Sam W
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Re: Condom leakage?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi wildprincess,

You can read about when ovulation is (and is not) cause for concern here: Let's Dial Down Some (Maybe) Ovulation Freakouts
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Re: Condom leakage?

Unread post by wildprincess »

I have read the article and would like to thank you as it really did help me calm down. However I am still a little confused. Does this mean that, even though I could have been ovulating, the risk of pregnancy is low as he was wearing a condom? Is that what the article was getting at? Thank you!
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Re: Condom leakage?

Unread post by Karyn »

We will not answer ANY questions about pregnancy fear or anxiety in our direct services from users who are not pregnant or who are not or have not otherwise been directly involved with an actual pregnancy.

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