Trying to be as safe as possible

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Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

Hello again
Okay so me and my girlfriend are trying to be as safe as possible but remain intimate with each other
Can some one please help me with some sexual activities we can partake in that will have no chance in causing a pregnancy as I'm a very paranoid person I need to know what we're doing will have no risk
So yeah
Please give me some advice on what me and her can take part in
Sam W
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Jambo,

If you follow this link, you'll find a list of sexual activities that pose no pregnancy risk: NO Pregnancy Risks
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

So if I do any of those there will never be a chance of pregnancy
Sam W
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Sam W »

Yep, that is correct.
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

Thank you
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

Sorry one more question
Let's say we dry hump and I ejaculate there is still no risk at all yes
Sam W
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Sam W »

Yes, when we describe risk, we are taking the presence of fluids like ejaculate into account.
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

Okay thank you
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

Hello again
I have decided that me and my girlfriend will be dry jumping as it does not pose any risk
But may some one please explain the biology behind this ( why there is no risk even with ehaculation)
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Karyn »

Hi Jambo. There are a lot of different things that need to happen for pregnancy to be possible, which you can read about here: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide

If something gets in the way of those things happening - like one or both people are wearing clothes (dry humping) - then pregnancy is not possible. Does that make sense?
"Where there is power, there is resistance." -Michel Foucault
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Jambo »

Okay I've read that article
And it does sort of kind off make sense
So basically it's like clothes trap sperm
But what if there is only one layer and underwear are soaked with semen then what are the chances
Sam W
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Re: Trying to be as safe as possible

Unread post by Sam W »

You're correct. As for your other question, that's addressed in some of the articles we've given you previously, and reiterating it here is only going to feed the anxiety loop. So I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread. If you have questions about other topics, you're welcome to create a new thread to discuss those.
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