What counts as late pill? Complicated

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What counts as late pill? Complicated

Unread post by zaphod42 »

So the app for my birth control pill notifications crashed for two days and I did not notice. I took my last pill on Saturday and then remembered 60 hours after that on a tuesday. I took two pills in a row and am expecting to take another one in twelve hours.

Now, did I miss two pills or did I miss one and the second one was merely late? I need to know because the approaches to fixing it are different.

Also, if the answer is two, since I missed these in the third week and did not miss any other pills in the pack, is it true I can just skip my withdrawal week, continue seamlessly with another birth control pack and I will not be at a risk of pregnancy? I had unprotected sex on the last day I was not late with the pill.

Thank you!!
Sam W
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Re: What counts as late pill? Complicated

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Zaphod,

Yes, since there was more than 48 hours between taking the pill on Saturday and remembering on Tuesday, that would mean this counted as two missed pills. As for skipping your withdrawal week, we recommend people only do that if they have consulted with their healthcare provider about it.
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