So the last time I posted here, I only just moved to the US and have not had the opportunity to see a gyne. I saw one shortly after that post and had my pap smear come back negative, so all good there.
When I saw the gyne, I was also on my last book of Qlaira, which I had been prescribed due to very heavy and painful periods. The previous gyne who prescribed it had hoped that the Qlaira would lighten my periods for a long time, even after I stop taking them. I had been on the Qlaira non-stop for about a year and since my blood tests didn't reveal anything wrong, we thought maybe the knee pains I've been having were due to blood clots from using OCP for so long and not some form of arthritis or other tissue disease. I decided to just finish my last book and then stop, see if things improve...
Well, I am now a whole month off the Qlaira and this is my first period in a long time where I actually did ovulate and all that stuff. And it is back to being very heavy and painful... I can't remember the last time I was in this much pain, tbh. Due to my joint pains, as well as other health risks of being on ocp for too long, I'm not too keen on starting again. So how does one deal with it? I had taken 2 midol this morning and another 2 four hours later... It has not helped with the pain at all.
I'm planning to switch from pads to a menstrual cup soon, so that might help with the heavy periods, but at the same time, has anyone found a way to... I don't know, reduce the amount of flow without using synthetic hormones? I don't want to be anemic again! D: (Iron pills do not help as I get extremely nauseous from them... and I've tried many different kinds...)
No surprise that I'm finding it difficult to deal with this after being light for so long... I had definitely enjoyed being able to take a stroll or even get up from a sitting position without having a bloody waterfall happen. Bad enough that alone feels gross, now I'm even MORE demotivated to do any exercising! Urgh! Being a woman is hard!