Birth control clarification

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Birth control clarification

Unread post by Whyhellothere »

First, let me say.. I'm NOT scared about the possibility of being pregnant. I know there's a chance and that's fine. I would just like some clarification on how birth control works (or doesn't work) when you miss pills.

To give some background, I missed two pills in a row and had unprotected sex twice in that week. I followed the instructions but was late by 12 hours on the pills after these two. I am now back on track with them.

I know birth control prevents ovulation, and I'm curious as to when ovulation WOULD occur if you missed a pill? Does it happen in 24 hours? 48 hours? I had some cramping and light brown bleeding after I was late for the pills during those 12 hours. I'm trying to figure out how far along I'd be, but how can I do that when the bleeding I have each month isn't a period?

This is totally new territory because I've never missed two pills in a row. Any insight into how exactly the body responds to two missed pills would be really helpful!
Sam W
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Re: Birth control clarification

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Whyhellothere,

It's highly unlikely that you would have ovulated in that time period, because even if your follicles started getting the signal to mature that the pill normally suppresses, it takes time for an ovum to mature and be released. You can read more about that here: Three questions about taking the birth control pill (and plenty of answers)

To check, are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing? And do you have a back-up method that you're prepared of birth control to use for the rest of this pill cycle?
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Re: Birth control clarification

Unread post by Whyhellothere »

Thanks for the reply and the link!

STIs are not a concern. We have a back up plan too. I guess I get so confused and frustrated because I hear about women getting pregnant after missing one or two pills anywhere in the pill cycle. Then, I just read different stuff altogether online. I'm going to take a test just because I don't want to wait until I have withdrawal bleeding to know for sure.

When you're calculating due dates and such.. Is your "LMP" the withdrawal bleed even if it's not an actual period? And why do you need extra protection for a full seven days after missing a pill? Do you have an increased risk of ovulation even after taking the pills again?

So many questions, I know!
Sam W
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Re: Birth control clarification

Unread post by Sam W »

Taking a test sounds like an excellent plan. If you need any information on doing so, this article might be helpful: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests

And yes, if you're on the pill you can use your withdrawal bleed as your LMP. With using extra protection, the reason for it is that if you miss a pill, your body starts returning to it's pre-pill state that's more accommodating of pregnancy so it's sound to take precautions against that. Too, we recommend the length of back-up that we do because we want to err on the side of caution when it comes to folks having pregnancy risks.
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